Ugh. Patience.
A wise friend once told me to never pray for patience because God would present the situations to grow me in that area.
So I TOTALLY stopped praying for it.
Guess what?
Those situations kept coming my way. Even without the prayer.
So I’m back to square one.
Praying for patience.
Lord, help me.
Anything you’ve ever stopped praying for because you knew it would get “messy?”
That IS one area I don’t think to pray for very often and I think it’s for the very same reason. I use to hear that so often that it became a cliche’!
It isn’t biblical though. God tells us to pray and ask Him if we are lacking in something whether it be wisdom or understanding or giving us a heart for someone who is very unlovable.
I would think that list includes patience too!
I was an only child and grew up in a very quiet house . . . loving and great . . . but, quiet. I remember praying, wishing, and dreaming of growing up, getting married, and having a house full of kids, noise, laughter, chaos, activity, etc. I loved going to friends’ houses and enjoying all of their siblings and their friends. It all seemed so very fun!
Well, I am now “grown up” (kind of!), married, and the mom of 3 boys (ages 4, 2, and 5 weeks). Boy, did I ever get what I prayed for . . . a house full of noise, laughter, chaos, activity, etc. I do love my life and my family. But, at times, this house can be a bit much; the noise and activity can drive me a little crazy. It is then that I take a breath and remember those years of prayers, wishes, and dreams. This is exactly what I always wanted . . . 😉