There are days, weeks, months, even seasons of our lives as mothers where it is an accomplishment to have everyone make it to the end of the day in one piece.

It’s when we go into survival mode.

There is a new baby in the house. You’re moving. A job change has happened. You’ve embarked on the potty training journey.

Many things can send us into survival mode. And during such times, we allow those things we said we would never allow and do those things we said we would never do as a mom…

Cookies for breakfast and cereal for dinner…

The TV as a “babysitter” so you can get even a moment worth of relative quiet…

Letting the laundry pile up or the floors go unmopped or that project go undone…

Guess what, friend? I have something to say about those times when you feel bad about being in survival mode:


Give yourself some grace and a pat on the back.

We all have these times. You do whatever you can to get through those days. And they won’t last forever.

You’re doing a good job, my dear. And things will get better.


What does survival mode look like for you? How do you get through “those” days?

Let me know if I can pray for you through a “survival mode” time as well!

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