The kitchen.
My inspiration for the kitchen could go so many ways. The hubby and I dream about our someday kitchen often.
The appliances. The counter space. The organization. Ahhh…
But since I am in the kitchen I have now and want to make the most of what I have, I went another direction for Gussy’s Inspiration Workshop today…
{Photo credit: What’s Cookin, Chicago?}
I found my inspiration via Pinterest and it’s all I can think about now – having a freezer packed with meals organized and ready to go for both my family and others who need them.
One of my favorite ways to bless others is with food, and this photo was the inspiration I needed to start cooking!
Yesterday I cooked up some BBQs and chicken taco meat, and today I’m tackling the meat for these Hawaiian Pork Sandwiches from my friend Beki!
Off to put that inspiration into action!
Go check out other kitchen inspiration posts over at Gussy’s beautiful corner of the bloggy world and have a blessed day!
Wow. I wish that my freezer was that big, organized, and full of easy to prepare meals. The family that I was a nanny for had a deep freezer full of easy-thaw and throw in the crock-pot meals. Making me think about pulling some of the recipes out that I was never brave enough to try!
My family would fall over in a dead faint if they opened the freezer door and saw that. I mean, how would they ever survive without the 2 year old popsicle stuck to the bottom of the freezer or the old jelly jars full of dried herbs that clank around in the door when you open it?
My dream is to also have meals prepared and ready ahead of time (anything before 3:00 p.m. the day of is considered “ahead of time” in our house).
The pork sounds yummy!