“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Jeremiah and I were having what we like to call “J and Mommy Bible time” before his nap today. It was the story of Moses and the Israelites and the parting of the Red Sea. I cannot imagine how scary that must have been to look at those two huge walls of water and think, “I’m supposed to walk through that?!”
The verse along with our Bible time today was Philippians 4:13 – “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” We talked about times when God has asked Mommy and Daddy to do something that seems scary but, after being obedient, our faith has grown and we have been blessed through that “scary” time.
I don’t know how much a two-year-old can understand about such things. But I know it was reassuring and reaffirming for me to read this story as we embark on our journey through medical school as God has called us to do. Especially with me staying home, times may get scary, financially, etc., but I can always go back to the verse God gave me when we first chose to follow His plan – Joshua 1:9. And we have our little Joshua to remind us of that every time we get scared along the way.