I have such a hard time letting go of things, especially good things. I don’t ever want to throw things out, I save all the photos (and regularly run out of storage). And I have an especially hard time saying no to or leaving anything that is done in service to God. I know so many others also struggle with this.
But we CANNOT do it all. We SHOULD NOT do it all. That means when God calls us to something new, we will have to let others things go, even very good things.

Last month, I stepped down from my role at Million Praying Moms. 12 years ago, Brooke McGlothlin and I founded this ministry (The MOB Society at the time) to encourage and equip moms for raising godly sons. With 5 boys between our two families, this was our own area of need and we served moms out of that heart.
Over two years ago, MOB morphed into MPM as our mission became helping all moms make prayer their first and best response to the challenges of parenting.
I LOVE THIS MINISTRY. It has changed me as a Christian, a prayer warrior, a mom, a woman. There have been challenges, but it has been overwhelmingly GOOD in my life.
But still God calls. And He often calls us away from good things, even while they are still good, to lead us into something better for this season of life.
The Lord asked me to lay down my role in the ministry of Million Praying Moms to pursue such a new season. With our three sons getting older and busier all the time, I will be devoting more time to being present with them and my husband. I am also excited about the local service & ministry opportunities God has already placed in my path.
I am incredibly grateful for over a decade of serving and encouraging this community alongside Brooke. God knew exactly what He was doing in bringing us together as our personalities and giftings naturally complemented one another. I have learned and grown so much from my time with Brooke. She will continue to lead the ministry with the grace and truth that pours out in all she does. I will be following along and cheering her on all the way as she continues to seek God’s will for Million Praying Moms. I can’t wait to see where He leads – for all of us!
I might see you around here a little more, so stay tuned!
Thank you for all that you have done for MOB and MPM! You are greatly appreciated!
Wendi, thank you so much for your kind comment! Means so much to me!