Top Ten {Tuesday} I have so many friends due with little ones in the next nine months, it’s hard NOT to think about how to help them all out! And every new mom, whether first time or repeat, appreciates not having to cook! It is my favorite way to bless these dear friends!

I’ve got a list of my favorite go-to meals to make for these families – some are freezer meals, some are not. The biggest thing is to not make spicy or heavily-tomato based meals for the nursing moms. That can be hard when the easy things to make are spaghetti, tacos, lasagna…but it IS possible!

Here are my…

Top Ten Meals to Bring to New Moms

1. Chicken Stuffing Casserole – This recipe has comfort food written all over it AND it makes two casseroles at once! I think of it as more of a fall dish, but stuffing is good anytime of year!

2. Brinner – Whip up some waffles or pancakes or even a breakfast casserole!

3. Mom’s Updated BBQs – Yes, these have some tomato soup and a little ketchup in them, but they are very mild. If you have a really sensitive newborn, you might steer away from this, but it has worked ok for others! Just take along buns, chips and some fresh fruit!

4. Kahlua Pork – Just bring the buns, chips and fruit along here as well!

5. Cranberry Chicken – Again, with this one, a very sensitive newborn tummy might not like this one, but the cranberry balances out the Catalina dressing really well! I always get rave reviews on this one!

6. A favorite soup – pick something seasonal – a fresh veggie soup in the summer or a beef stew in the winter! Add some fresh baked bread or rolls to complete the meals!

7. Chicken Veggie Pasta – Friends brought us this meal when we had Big J and it is still a family favorite! And you can customize the veggies to what the family likes!

8. Steak Salad Again, there are lots of salad recipes out there, but this one {without the tomatoes} would be nice and hearty! Pick your favorite!

9. Honey-Glazed Chicken Stir Fry – Or a stir fry of any kind! Pick your favorite recipe and bring rice along!

10. Food from their favorite restaurant! Most places have curbside pick up now, so ask the new parents what they would like, call ahead and pick it up from the restaurant!

A few bonus ideas…

*Make them some bread! Fresh bread is such a treat and with Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day you can have that in no time! I was skeptical about this book at first, but it is seriously easy and delicious!

*Put together a crockpot meal and take it to them in the morning! It is always a tad stressful to try to take a meal to a family AND get your own family fed at the same time. You can put all of the ingredients for the meal in the crockpot, then drop it off and plug it in during the morning so it will be ready for the family at dinner time! Less hassle for everyone! My favorite crockpot cookbook is the Fix-It and Forget-It Cookbook!

*Bring lunch instead! Lots of new moms get meals for dinner, but when there are other little ones in the house and the husband is gone to work, someone has to feed those hungry mouths some lunch! There are tons of great family-friendly lunch ideas in Erin Chase’s The $5 Dinner Mom Breakfast and Lunch Cookbook!

What is your favorite meal to share with a new mom and her family?


Also linking up to…

And Tasty Tuesday at Beauty and Bedlam!

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