After a weekend of reflection, I am ready to jump into this week with new focus and determination! I feel so peppy!

Don’t you just hate people who are this peppy on Monday mornings?!

Too bad!

So what do I have to share with you today?

Oh, lots of good stuff, my friends!

#1 – If you are reading this bright and early Monday morning, I SHOULD be up and happily going about my day thanks to Kat and Michelle and their Maximize Your Mornings challenge!

Inspired To Action Button

This week’s challenge is simple: GET OUT OF BED.

I can do that, right?

Well, just to be sure, I will be adding what time I got up to each post once I am up – 100% honest. How is that for accountability? My goal is 6:00 a.m. each day.

#2 – Guess what?! I finished the ENTIRE BIBLE in 90 DAYS! Oh yeah. I did it. And with exactly 35 minutes to spare.

You would not believe how awesome it feels.

Confession: I was up to more than 25 days behind at one point. And I still finished in 90 days. Now THAT is God at work!

Confession: This is the first time I have actually read the entire Bible straight through. And I am actually ready to get back into reading it more this week. Although just a LITTLE slower this time. Because I’m not THAT crazy.

I’ll be starting back in Paul’s letters this morning – my heart longed to ponder on them more as I raced to the finish line Saturday night.

I must admit, there are books I am not planning on going back to visit any time soon and others that intrigued me greatly. Isaiah is definitely on my list after Paul’s letters.

I am SO grateful to Amy from Mom’s Toolbox for hosting the Bible in 90 Days challenge – what a woman! The next read-through starts in January – check it out!

#3 – I’m joining in on a couple of home challenges right now that are right in line with where my heart is – and needs to be.

For the Making Your Home a Haven Challenge, I am buying a nice big, fall-smelling candle to keep lit in our home. I LOVE Courtney’s idea to pray for peace in our home and lives every time we look at the candle. Beautiful.

PLEASE go over and read Courtney’s post today and know how desperately I am trying NOT to be the woman in House #1. It will be a VERY uphill battle, but 100% worth it. Anyone else with me on this?

And I am joining in on the Declutter~Beautify~Create Challenge over at Sunflower Schoolhouse!

I got started a week late so this is Closet Week. And my motto this week – THROW THROW THROW. (The hubby will be SO excited!) Just to stay accountable, I took some “before” pictures of our closets. Be afraid. Be very afraid. I think I will wait to share them until there is an “after.”

It kind of feels like January 1st around here to me – lots of new goals and a fresh new start. I’m just glad the weather says October and not January!

Any goals you’ve accomplished or started working on lately?

Want to keep up on how all of these challenges turn out here at Home with the Boys? It’s easy to follow along!