Since giving up New Year’s resolutions and choosing a word of the year instead, I’ve come to love the start of a brand new year.

Choosing a word of the year has always felt like a God-given focus instead of a pressure-filled standard to meet. The last thing any of us needs when starting afresh is pressure, am I right?!

And this year was even better because God spoke this word into my life over a month ago, which has given me extra time to pray and get excited about what it will mean for 2013!

Do I have you curious now?!

My one word for 2013 is…

That gorgeous bracelet up there? A gift from my dear friend Beki at The Rusted Chain that I want to wear EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. You can get your own with YOUR word of the year {or anything else you want to put on it} right here!

Oh, I just get giddy about how this word will change how I live this year! It’s not about “doing,” which is good because I don’t need to “do” anything extra right now. My heart needs to find the joy in each and every day. “Celebrate” is exactly the word to point me in that direction!

Bring gifts and celebrate, Bow before the beauty of GOD, Then to your knees—everyone worship! ~Psalm 96:8-9 {The Message}

I will spend 2013 celebrating…

  • God’s goodness and mercy and blessings
  • My marriage to my best friend
  • Our children – a gift from the Lord
  • The friendships of women, both in real life and online
  • The talents He has given me to use for His glory
  • Our progress & victories in homeschool {no matter how small!}
  • The beauty of God’s creation
  • Anything and everything else He brings to my mind!

Of course we will celebrate birthdays and anniversaries and milestones, but celebrating doesn’t have to be reserved for those “special” days! I’m living a whole LIFE of celebration this year!

Along those lines, God has given me some big dreams for my family and this blog. He has placed in me a desire to celebrate family life and share that passion in writing. I call this my God-sized dream because putting God and family first and still finding time to use this gift of writing is a major balancing act that I can’t figure out on my own.

I am blessed to be a part of Holley Gerth’s God-Sized Dream Team for 2013! Holley is such an encouragement to me as I pursue the wonderful things God has planned for me and being a part of this team is helping me focus in on His big dreams for my life!

Holley’s brand new e-book, The “Do What You Can” Plan: 21 Days to Making Any Area of Your Life Better, is really the perfect way to kick-start 2013. It is full of motivation and resources to take baby-steps toward your dreams, not bite off more than you can chew! So many New Year’s goals and plans fail because they are just too big, too daunting, too overwhelming. Holley’s book encourages all of us to start small and let things grow, instead of your dreams remaining just dreams!

The “Do What You Can” Plan is only $2.99 on Kindle, but TODAY ONLY {January 1}, you can get it for FREE!

I’m so stoked for 2013 and pursuing all the dreams God has revealed to me – and the ones I don’t even know about yet!

And I’m ready to CELEBRATE! Join me?


What is your word for 2013?