I received the tickets for this show from Omaha Performing Arts, but I was not asked to write a post in exchange for them. I just couldn’t help myself.
I’ve always been a lover of musical theater. The first show I saw was a tour of Phantom of the Opera in Minneapolis during high school and I was mesmerized. Phantom is not my favorite musical of all time, but you never forget your first show experience.
There have been many more memorable musical theater experiences since that first one, with Les Miserables in London and The Lion King in Las Vegas topping the list. As music majors in college, we went to shows in our area all the time. But with kids and life, we haven’t been to many shows in the last few years.
I didn’t realize how much I missed live musical theater until last night.
Omaha Performing Arts gave me two tickets to the first night of Once, a musical that tells the enchanting tale of a Dublin street musician who’s about to give up on his dream when a beautiful young woman takes a sudden interest in his haunting love songs. Once was actually a movie first and became well-known because of it’s Oscar-winning song, “Falling Slowly.” I’m pretty sure you’ve heard it. It was then made into a stage production and won EIGHT Tony awards in 2012. From what I had heard, I was sure it would be a good show.
Good is not an adequate or accurate word to describe what I experienced watching Once. From the moment my good friend and I walked in to the musicians jamming on stage pre-show, we were in awe. They weren’t like actors up there – they were musicians playing their own music and drawing me in to the show.
photo credit: Joan Marcus
I found myself holding my breath from the beauty of the music several times during the show. Irish influence, a cappella, raw love songs – there was a little bit of everything in Once and I wanted more of all of it. When the first act ended with the singing and dancing of the song Gold, I had chills and tears and all the feelings.
photo credit: Joan Marcus
I fell in love with live musical theater again last night. Once was everything musical theater should be and everything I had been missing but didn’t even realize. Captivating melodies, GORGEOUS harmonies, soulful dancing, and acting that made me feel almost like I was interrupting someone’s real-life private moments.
** I feel like I should mention there is language that may offend some people, including several f-words. I am not a fan of foul language, but it did not turn me off from the musical at all. Just wanted to throw that out there. **
I may have been in my own city watching this musical, but I was transported to my past experiences in London and Vegas and Minneapolis and so on. And it was pretty great to experience it with one of my dearest friends for her birthday!
If you need me, I’ll be looking for more opportunities to head to the theater with my hubby, my kids, my friends – anybody who wants to go – because it has recaptured my heart and I can’t get enough.
Are you a musical theater fan? What was your most memorable musical theater experience?
If you want to see Once in Omaha now through May 17, 2015, get your tickets here. And if you’re NOT in Omaha, follow @OnceMusical on Twitter to find out when they might be near you and GET YOURSELF THERE.
Ohhh I love Once. I saw it on Broadway with Steve Kazee and Cristin Milioti. Simply amazing. Beautiful music!
Totally jealous! I’ve yet to make it to a show on Broadway, but some day! And I love Cristin from HIMYM!
Musical theater is the best! My first show was Wicked when I was 16 and last year my husband and I spent a whole day trying to get lottery tickets to see it, so I could share that experience with him. We didn’t win, but maybe next time!