I most certainly did NOT hear these things around our house this week:
“Apparently, Little J can reach the door knob now.” -Big J
“Get that spoon out of your underwear!” –Mommy
“WHAT?! You’ve GOT to be kidding me!” -Big J
The Wonder Pets theme song – OVER and OVER again. -BOTH children.
“Underwear pants!” -Little J (translated for us by Big J)
“Get that outta my house!” -Big J playing basketball and blocking Daddy’s shots
“I don’t like real babies, I like stuffed babies. Real babies are loud and cry.” -Big J
But he still asks to see Baby Lily every day 🙂
And the quote of the week, the cherry on top:
“Sometimes Mommy and Daddy shower together.” -Big J, to my mom and sister
Oh yes, he did.
I love the ‘underwear pants’ comment! Have a great day!
Out of the mouth of babes! LOL Love it!! Nothing can be private in your house anymore with children! hehe
if one can count laughter as abdominal exercise today, you gave it to me. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO funny!
I appreciate your respect for the environment in practicing good water conservation. Why waste all that shower water on just one person? 🙂
LOL! at all these. Especially the underwear spoon and the water conservation. Made my day!
Hilarious!! Love the basketball and shower quotes!
I remember once, having …ehem…. gas while in a store. I was ALL ALONE in the aisle when it happened, with just my then 2 year old son in the cart. Oh course, 15 second later, everyone and their brother filled the aisle. As I was trying to leave…. quickly, my sweet little boy said to me (loudly, of course), “MOMMY? DID YOU POOPY IN YOUR UNDERWEAR? REMEMBER MOMMY, WE DO POOPY IN THE POTTY, NOT IN OUR UNDERWEAR. IT’S OK THOUGH MOMMY…..” The things kids say!
That last quote…hilarious!
Bahahaha! I love the last one!!
cute! hahaha love the quote of the week! Priceless!!!
Get that spoon out of your underwear….HAHA!!! That kills me 🙂
Absolutely HILARIOUS!!!! Oh.My.Word…that last one is the BEST!!!! And those are the “statements” we hear each and every day as a teacher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 Gotta love their honesty!
Oh those where ALL to funny. Don’t all Mommy and Daddies take showers together? :^) They do in our house!
I loved the last post. Kids are so honest, it’s hysterical. Was this shouted out in front of strangers?
I like your blog, and will be adding you to my google reader 🙂