We’re over a month into the new year and I’m curious…

Have you established any new good habits so far this year?

Research has shown that it takes about 21 days to establish a new habit, so assuming you’ve been working on something since around the first of January, you could have a new habit all set in stone by now!

I’m really excited about mine because it’s something I’ve wavered on back and forth for almost ten years now. I’ve prayed about being more consistent, but I haven’t really felt a long-standing success until now!

What is it?

Praying for my husband!

The Dreamy Hubby

Ahhh…isn’t he dreamy?! {Just give me a second…}

Ok, actually, it’s praying for him and the boys every morning. During my quiet time, I do my Bible study in my journal, and then I follow up that page with a handwritten page of prayers for all of my guys. I don’t know why this is clicking for me now, but it is one of my favorite parts of the day now!

I’ve had a renewed passion for praying for The Hubby specifically lately and a great resource has come my way from one of my favorite authors to fuel that passion even more!

Kathi Lipp, author of The Husband Project and The “What’s for Dinner?” Solution, has just released Praying God’s Word for Your Husband and I almost did cartwheels when it showed up at my door!

I’ve been praying God’s Word for our boys through Brooke’s Warrior Prayers book for a while now and was looking for something like it to pray through for my husband! This book is the answer!

Here’s why I really love it: Kathi encourages wives to pray BOLDLY from God’s Word for our husbands in a wide range of areas, but she also keeps the book fun and conversational in her signature style I have come to love! You’re going to read this book and feel encouraged and inspired!

I feel like I need to make this point today: The reason I feel passionate about praying for my husband is NOT because something is wrong with him. I mean, we’re all sinners, yes, but I’m not praying for The Hubby because he is a bad husband or going down the wrong path or anything! He is a FABULOUS husband and I can’t believe I’m so blessed to have been married to him for ten years this May!

Prayer is for the good times and the bad – can I get an amen on that? It’s just as important to pray protection and safety and blessing over our husbands during times of blessing as it is during times of suffering and hardship.

Kathi covers the good and the bad in Praying God’s Word for Your Husband: praying for his dreams and health, as well as praying for him when he is overcome with worry and feeling inadequate. Any wife will be blessed by the prayers Kathi offers up in this book!

Here is a favorite prayer of mine Kathi has written out in the book based on Deuteronomy 7:6….

Thank you, God, that my husband is set apart and made holy by you. Help me to look at him as you do. Help him to feel how special and treasured he is. As he goes about his day, I pray that you would shine your love into his life.

I know it’s not anything material you can physically give to your husband, but I can think of no greater Valentine’s gift for your husband this year… 

Praying God's Word for Your Husband

…than to get Praying God’s Word for Your Husband and start praying everyday for that man with whom God joined you on your wedding day!

What Bible verses are your favorite to pray over your husband?


*I received a review copy of this book. I was not compensated in any other way for this post, and all opinions are 100% my own. So are the happy hearts on the book photo 🙂

**This post contains affiliate links.