We started homeschool August 1st, and since then, we have had to make a few changes in our day, especially since Little J started preschool two mornings a week.
The primary “challenge” we faced was the 1 1/2 hours of total drive time {there and back twice} cutting into our homeschool morning. I didn’t really want that to be “wasted” time, so we’ve been coming up with “school” activities to do in the car.
The most successful, and enjoyable, activity so far has been “Reading on the Road!”
Each Tuesday and Thursday, Big J picks out one or two books to take in the car and reads them aloud to me as we drive. Simple, but such a great use of our time!
This week, he picked a fabulous new book we just received from Tommy Nelson…
Oh, how I adore precious Hermie. It all started with Little J’s second birthday party – a bug birthday party with a Hermie theme! And I’ve loved the messages Hermie has been bringing into the boys’ lives since!
I was so thrilled Tommy Nelson was introducing Hermie, a Common Caterpillar, a level 2 reader featuring Hermie – perfect for Big J and his big appetite for reading! Even better, it is a book he can read to his brother that they will both understand and enjoy!
To add to that fun, Tommy Nelson has also released a new line of “Little Hermie” board books for 0-4 year olds that are just right for our three-year-old Little J!
Such adorable and heartwarming stories! Check out this message from Hermie creator, Max Lucado, about the Hermie Extravaganza happening right now…
{Have I mentioned how much I LOVE Max Lucado’s children’s books?!}
And I feel blessed to be able to share this Hermie Extravaganza with YOU!
First, you can take a look at each book through the following flip books…
And then, leave a comment right here on this post sharing the ages of your kiddos & why they would enjoy one {or all} of these new Hermie books and YOU could win all three!
That’s all you have to do!
If you would LIKE to earn extra entries {not required}, share this Hermie Extravaganza giveaway on Facebook, Twitter and/or your blog and leave a comment for each!
This giveaway will be open until Wednesday, September 14th at 9:oo p.m. CST. One winner will be chosen at random and notified by email!
I am a Tommy Mommy and received a copy of each book to review from Tommy Nelson. I did not receive any other form of compensation for this post and all opinions are 100% my own!
**Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I do not receive anything when you click on the link, but if you do decide to make a purchase through that link, I will receive a small portion of the sale.**
I have an 11, 8, 4, and 1 yr olds. Can’t think of anything better than introducing our little ones to books about God. We do not have any Hermie books, so the flip books were a great sneak peek!
I have a baby on the way (sometime this month!). I’m thinking either of the two board books would be good for her. The other would be good for my nieces!
My 2 1/2 year old daughter loves to read! And she also likes butterflies, so I think she would enjoy “Hermie: A Common Caterpillar”
My daughter age 6 still loves Hermie books and my son at 20 mos loves them as well. Great reading and great lessons 🙂 Good luck everyone!
My first son turns 3 at the end of this month. He really enjoys reading and it would be cool to have him some good books for the car. My other son is 20 months old and just loves looking at pictures in the car and at home. I love the Hermie stuff! My in-laws live in San Antonio and used to attend Max’s church. One Christmas we went and they did a the whole service with Hermie including characters coming out dressed like them, etc. It was pretty cool! I love having ways to talk to my boys about God! They would love all of these books! I am also pregnant with #3 and am due at the end of October. 🙂
I’m not a mommy. But I do have a nephew who is only 16 months old and already loves books. I’d love to share Hermie with him!
I like the illustrations of that first flip book – beautiful! My boys are 2 & 4 and we have one Hermie movie, so they aren’t really exposed to him yet but I think they would like Hermie a lot.
My kids are 10 & 6 and they both LOVE Hermie. Any time we find Hermie shows on our local Christian TV shows we will watch them. My son is learning to read and would enjoy The Common Caterpillar. We would enjoy the others for family reading time before bed.
I have 3 kids 1,2,4. They all love reading. I think they would love all three books. The last two listed because they LOVE taking about God and Jesus. And the first one because we have read the very hungary caterpiller and they loved it and i am sure they will lov ethis one too
shannonsweep at gmail dot com
My children are ages 2, 5, 7, and 9. My younger ones will love the board books and the reader! Thank you!
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We love the Hermie’s books and videos. My daughter recieved some as a gift when she was only 2 I think. The are wonderful! We would love to have the books as she is just started kindergarten. Great idea!
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I have 2 daughters, my oldest turns 3 tomorrow and my youngest is 6 months. My 3 year old loves to read and she really gets into the characters in books so I think she would really love Hermie and I love the messages these books portray for kids.
I have a 2 month old baby girl. I can’t wait to share Jesus’ love to her through books.
My children are 13 (girl) and 7 (boy). We are familiar with Hermie, although we have watched some video and not read the books. I perused “Hermie: A Common Caterpillar” and I could hear what my kids would take away from it while I was reading. My 7 year old has dyslexia, which has caused him some difficulty in learning, and we just found out about this learning ABIlity when he was promoted to second grade. We chose to keep him in the first grade. His sister would immediately help him relate this story to his own situation, and why God made him with dyslexia. It is common in our house to understand that God made you this way for His own purpose and design. I love the element added here: He is not finished with you yet.
I’m mother to 5, grandmother to 13. My youngest daughter has 4 girls. Ages 7, 5, 3, and 7 mos. My children grew up loving books and were avid readers. My daughter is teaching these little girls to love and cherish books. But her task is not hard. They love books.
I found Hermie a couple of years ago and (in my job at a Christian school) got a video and “Hermie” valentines for the kiddies. Hermie is an adorable little creature and the lessons are invaluable.
I would love to win any – or all – of the books to share with my daughter’s 4 little girls. I can imagine their squeals when they would open the package with Hermie books in it. They are homeschooled and their father is an army chaplain. These books would get lots of miles, get fingered and hugged heaps, and bring brilliant smiles to the girl’s faces.
My little ones are 4, 5, and 6. They have seen the Hermie videos/books at church, but we don’t have any in our personal library. They would be thrilled to win these, and I’d be even happier because of the wonderful message inside.
My son is 18 months old. Currently, he just loves to look at books, occasionally listening to me read them.
These books would be great to add to his collection, because they affirm God’s truth and people of all ages need to hear that.