My thoughts will be short this morning – I am at the Relevant Conference this morning and the internet is WONKY, as my roommate would put it 🙂

Discipleship can be a scary word, can’t it?!

So much responsibility and pressure and …yikes!

Add to that the fact that this discipleship is supposed to be happening in your home ALL THE TIME as you raise your children!

I need a lot of encouragement and instruction in this area and Sally has provided this for me over and over again.

But the following quote in this week’s chapter of Seasons of a Mother’s Heart was what I needed to hear the most…

“We can love our children dearly, teach them diligently, train them effectively, live with them day in and day out and yet still not have a real relationship with them. We can occupy the same space with them in our homes yet fail to fill the relational space between their hearts and ours.”

Discipleship means NOTHING without relationship. Nothing, nothing, nothing.

What am I doing to cultivate relationship with my children on a regular basis?

My hubby is an amazing father. Relationship with his sons is very important to him and he makes it a priority. He takes them to the hardware store with him. He plans special time with them doing what THEY want to do. He lets them work alongside him in the backyard. THIS is relationship-building time.

I am with the boys all the time. I teach them and discipline them, feed them and clothe them, and so on. But how do I help our RELATIONSHIP grow?!

Hmmm…I may need to work on that and get back to you…

What are your thoughts from this week? Leave a comment below or link up your post!