I’m not totally finished putting together our summer mantel {which can apparently be spelled mantel or mantle and has me all bent out of shape trying to decide which way to go}, but I’ve shared a few bits and pieces including our summer tag banner and this little snapshot on Instagram the other day…
I wanted this summer to be about the sun and the Son, and these quotes and verses are keeping those two things at the forefront of my mind!
I put together that little chalkboard printable after hearing the song “I Can See Clearly Now” as we road-tripped back from my parents’ house a few weekends ago. It stuck in my head and made me smile, so it went up on the mantel!
And now I want to pass on this free printable to you! I hope it brings cheer and sunshine to your house as well! Just click on the image below to download the PDF!
And if you have a coffee table, you’re going to want to have this beautiful new gem of book on it share with everyone! {Get one even if you don’t have a coffee table. Trust me.}
My dear friend Beki from The Rusted Chain just released her first book, Sunflowers & Sweet Tea! YAY Beki!!! Everything about it is gorgeous and original, from her country photography to inspiring words. I’m just so super proud and I think you all need to go get one. The Pioneer Woman loved it, too. How’s that for an endorsement?!
Praying your weekend is filled with all things sunny and wonderful!
I think mantel is an area above your fireplace and mantle is something you wear. Perhaps you can wear you mantle (like Mary, mother of Jesus) as you decorate your mantel.
Brilliant, Annie! I had read that it can be spelled either way, but that it is most common how you suggested!