Thanksgiving is one week from today so I thought I should start sharing with you what I am thankful for!
Someone gave me the idea to post a Facebook status everyday in November telling what I am thankful for and I have loved that! Finding something to give thanks for everyday is like a little ray of sunshine.
It’s all about gratitude and attitude.
So what am I thankful for today?
*I get to see my sister in three days! Other than Skype, we haven’t seen her since July so it’s about time! It will be 24 hours full of dress-shopping and wedding planning and girly fun! I also get to hang out with my whole fam from Sunday until Friday and see one of my best friends while I’m there! SO EXCITED!
*One week from today is Thanksgiving which means Stephen will be done with Cardiology and relaxing with us! This is a tough unit so the days leading up to his Wednesday test will be full of studying. He can do as much as he needs to without feeling like he is missing family time because the boys and I will be at my parents until he joins us! I know he will be even more thankful than I when Wednesday afternoon hits! And we’re both counting down until the Huskers play their annual day-after-Thanksgiving game against Colorado, which we always watch with his parents! Huskers and Jerry’s Pizza – doesn’t get much better!
*I am in love with craft blogs. Fabulous, inexpensive, beautiful decoration and gift ideas galore. Some of my favorites at this moment are Mad in Crafts, Dollar Store Crafts, and One Pretty Thing. Let me know if you have a great craft blog you follow!
*Other things I am thankful for today…my hot glue gun, fabulous finds at Hobby Lobby yesterday, peanut M&Ms, sticking in a new movie for the kiddos and most importantly the unfailing love and forgiveness of our Lord Jesus Christ who keeps speaking this word to me this week as I stumble along my way…
The faithful love of the Lord never ends!
His mercies never cease.
Great is his faithfulness;
his mercies begin afresh each morning.
Lamentations 3:22-23 (New Living Translation)