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Love Dare Week One

If I haven’t said it yet, the release of The Love Dare for Parents couldn’t have come at a better time for me as a parent. I was feeling irritated and worn out and all of those other things love just shouldn’t be.

Love Dare for Parents

The challenges from this first week of the book seemed pretty simple on paper, but they really rocked my thinking and my actions as a mom this week. I am really thankful for the journaling space in the book because I have needed to process and reflect at the end of each day.

A few thoughts that stuck with me from week one of The Love Dare for Parents

*Saying “I love you” happens often in our house, but this week I purposed to say it to them while looking in their eyes. Early on in our marriage, we noticed how “I love you” could get thrown away at the end of a sentence or conversation and we kept each other in check on that. I want to make sure our boys don’t “throw away” those important words either. I want them to MEAN it when they say it.

*Over and over, The Love Dare for Parents has been reminding me my children are a gift, a blessing, a treasure, a reward. After wanting to have kids my whole life, I was kind of surprised at how often I have thought of them as a burden or interruption in my day. God has been chipping away at this negative attitude lately and this book is one more step in the right direction. By the end of the week, I was enjoying my time with them so much more.

Love Dare Adventure

*Big J and I had a rough week, but in the middle of it all, he told me he wishes he could marry me. If that doesn’t just melt a mama’s heart, nothing will. I’ve tucked that precious memory away for the next rough patch we go through.

*My favorite piece of truth spoken in the book this week:

Children are also given to us to help us personally mature as parents. They teach us how to stop being so selfish and to give sacrificially. They pull us out of our comfort zones and stretch our abilities. They repeat our words and test our integrity. They expose our pride and deepen our humility. They help us learn to love more willingly.

Stop being so selfish, give more sacrificially, and love more willingly – that sums up what God has stirred in my heart this week!

I would love to hear how your first week was, whether you’ve done one dare or all seven! Tell us how it’s going in the comments and don’t forget to use the #lovedareparents hashtag on Twitter and Instagram during the week! And it’s not too late to join us! Get your book and get started and take it one day at a time!