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Let’s see, I think it was about four years ago when I read The Love Dare and took on the 40-day challenge in the book. I did it on the down-low so The Hubby had no idea I was following any kind of plan. I’m sneaky like that. And the secret element was definitely part of the fun and challenge.
I loved the Love Dare challenges and many of them have stuck with me to this day. I actually didn’t see Fireproof, the movie that features The Love Dare, until well after I had completed the challenge, but it was really moving to see it played out in someone else’s marriage, even if it was just in a movie.
Because I enjoyed The Love Dare so much, I was thrilled to hear about the publication of The Love Dare for Parents, which releases today!
The Love Dare for Parents comes at a GREAT time for me, as I’m trying to discover how to love my children more like Jesus loves them – and me! My heart was immediately touch by one of the verses this book is based around…
He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents… ~Malachi 4:6
Tears came to my eyes as I read that verse because THIS is what I long for. We aren’t struggling from any family dysfunction or major tragedy or strife, but I have been praying for more family unity and this verse spoke right to my deep desire for our family.
Like the original Love Dare, The Love Dare for Parents involves a 40-day challenge for parents {can be done by one parent or both}. Each day includes:
- a promising key verse from Scripture
- a biblical principle about love that applies to parenting
- a specific challenge the parent does for the sake of their child
- space to journal thoughts and reflect on what happened that day
I really can’t wait to get started on this and see how Jesus transforms my heart for our children through these 40 days! And because I crave and thrive on accountability, I’m inviting you to join me in taking The Love Dare for Parents summer challenge!
Want to join me? Here’s the plan:
1. We will kick off the challenge Monday, July 15th. That should give you plenty of time to order the book for yourself in print or ebook format!
2. Take the Love Dare Parenting Assessment for free online! It’s a great starting place for The Love Dare, helping identify your strengths and weaknesses as a parent and providing verses to encourage you in each area. “Showing & modeling” and “teaching & leading” were strengths for me and I want to try to play those up even more. I was not surprised to find that I am in need of some work in the “patience & gentleness” area, so I will be paying closer attention to the challenges that focus on those virtues! The assessment also tells you which days will focus on each category!
3. Read each day, take the challenge, and write down your thoughts regarding the verse, the application, the challenge, whatever you want to document! If you buy the ebook version, just use a journal to track your way through the 40 days. I REALLY want to encourage you to right something down each day. You will love to go back and see the ways God has spoken to you and changed you!
4. I will put up a recap post for the past week each Monday! I would love for you to share your thoughts on the week in the comments! If you decide to blog about it, I will provide a link-up as well so we can all read your posts!
5. If you want to join me in tweeting about each day’s challenge, just use the hashtag #lovedareparents! And I’m @homewiththeboys over there if you’re looking for me!
Go grab your copy now and I’ll see you back here on Monday, July 15th to get this dare started!
I absolutely love the challenge you have created. My son has Aspergers and I have been praying for new ideas of ways I can break through his barriers. I believe God has utilized you to answer my prayers. I’d be honored to join you. I would also love to blog and tweet about my progress through The Love Dare for Parents Challenge in the hopes of inspiring others to allow God to work through them as well. Blessings to you, dear one! ~Kelly
I’m cery emcouraged by your post. I made a commitment myself to take this summer to really connect with my kids. I wasn’t sure how to do it on a deeper and meaningful level. I’m good intentioned but my plans don’t always succeed. After reading with challenge I realize THIS is what I was looking for. Thank you. ~ Sandi
PS – I’m recruiting more moms too.
Count me in sister. Agree 100% with everything you wrote. Need for our hearts to be turned toward one another. Thank you for leading this. Now to get my book copy!!
I am!!! This is so exciting! I’m not married, but I did the 30 day Love Dare app on my phone and loved it so much that I gave The Love Dare to my married friends and family as their anniversary gift that year. I believe The Love Dare is for anyone who wants to express and experience genuine love. I’m so excited about this new book because I am a Boy Mom of a 14yr old. Thanks so much for inviting us to take the challenge with you!
This sounds like just what I need! Ordered mine!
My son will be two in August…hopefully I can still do this for him. Just ordered my book…
I just order my book on amazon! I am really excited about this! I can’t wait to see what God does through this book and my relationship with my children!
Ooh! I can’t wait to check in with each other to see how He works! So glad you’re joining me, friend!
Got my copy yesterday! Took the assessment and I’m ready!
Could you tell me if the challenges are only intended for younger children, or could they also be used for young adult children? Thank you!
I really do think this could be used for children of any age! There is not a set age that the book is meant for.
Thanks so much for your quick response!
Excellent post! We will be linking to this particularly great article on our website.
Keep up the good writing.