On April 24th, our church will be putting on “Unfading Beauty: A Spring Fashion Revue.” This is our fourth Unfading Beauty show and I am so thrilled to be a part of this event.
You may wonder: “A church doing a fashion show?” But here’s the cool thing about it – the show is all about showing girls and women that you can dress in the latest fashions and still be MODEST. The saying I love: “Modest is hottest.”
The show has been a life-changing event for so many girls over the years, especially girls from our youth group who have been models. I get goose bumps thinking about the transformations that have happened in the hearts and attitudes of girls who thought very little of themselves before doing the show and came out really knowing just how beautiful God had created them.
It’s one thing to have a show like this and have all the adults excited about it – of course, we’re the ones wanting to teach about modesty. But you should see how excited all of the girls get – girls are excited about learning to dress cute and modestly! I love it! We had 550 girls and women at the last show!
And this year, we will be having models of ALL ages – from 10 months old to 70-something! Girls and women of all ages are longing to be seen as beautiful without having to show off their bodies – to let their inner beauty shine through.
The t-shirts for the show in the past have this quote: “My beauty is not defined by my outward appearance, but by the inner workings of my heart.” That really sums up the theme of the show.
The show will have great entertainment, YUMMY dessert and lots of giveaways! Plus, it’s always fun to just hang out with the girls!
You can check out the website for more information and pictures from past shows. Let me know if you have any questions! It will be a really fun night!