I’m using the word “ministry” very loosely here, but it was the only word I could think to describe my writing/speaking/online world!
This is not a life I ever envisioned for myself, but slowly, surely, I’m embracing the small voice that says, “This is what I made you to do. Right here. Right now.”
My education and experience are as an elementary music teacher, a job I adored completely. But when one little boy, then another joined our family, the call on my life was to come home. And I started a little old blog to keep our family and friends up-to-date.
I had no clue I would fall in love with writing, and very reluctantly, today call myself a writer. Sure, I wrote “chapter books” with my girlfriends all night at sleepovers in fifth grade. And yes, I wrote for my high school newspaper. But still… I was unaware I would enjoy so much encouraging women through writing and speaking. I didn’t know God would use writing as a processing and learning and growing tool for MYSELF.
This is the first full year I’m really embracing these roles of writer and speaker He has placed in my life. And to be a good steward of these roles, I’ve set a few goals for this year step out of timidity and into vitality…
write unashamed
There are so many posts I haven’t published – or never even wrote – because I wasn’t sure they would be “good enough.” That ends this year. The words God speaks are always good enough and even if they are just for me, they need to be written.
spread joy and encouragement
I was never an actual cheerleader, but I was always one of the most enthusiastic fans in the stands. Yes, I was even awarded “Fan of the Game” once, complete with a crown, sash, and a couch to sit on during the game. I want to be that person again for you. I want to be your biggest fan and encourager. I want this rediscovered joy and vitality to be evident in every word I write and speak, even when sharing about the tough stuff. That picture above? That’s what I’m talking about 🙂
serve + love others well
I have been so inspired by the women at {in}courage and The Influence Network to use my words and this blog and the social media world to love others well. You don’t have to live next door to someone to serve them or love them. Words have a lot of power and I’ll be asking a lot more this year how I can bless you and others through this space. And you can always email me at homewiththeboys at gmail dot com if you have questions or prayer requests – I won’t always respond right away because three children and homeschool and ALL THE THINGS, but I will always read your words and pray for you!
glorify Him
Not everything I write is about God, but I want every part of me to glorify Him, including writing and speaking. I’m letting go of the burden that comes with keeping track of pageviews and retweets and asking God that with each post or speaking engagement, His name is glorified. My prayer is that those who need to hear that message or read that post are the ones reached, whether it is one person or one thousand. All for Him. Not for me. There is so much life to be found in doing all things through Him and for Him!
Wow. It felt really good to write all of that out. And in this first month of 2014, it’s felt really good to writing with these things in mind. I look forward to a year full of rich, joyful experiences on this unexpected path from God!
What unexpected places has God taken you in ministry? What does vitality look like for you there?
Read more about my goals for vitality…
I think the word “ministry” fits what you do perfectly. Don’t sell yourself short. 🙂 You are doing what God brings your way, which may be different than you thought it would be or different than what others do, but no less valuable. I’ve been encouraged by you many times. 🙂
That means so much to me, Anna! I am so grateful to do something I love from home while raising and teaching my own kids! It may have been unexpected, but it is so lovely! Thank you – I am blessed by your comments and encouragement here!
I believe that if God puts something on your heart, then no matter how silly it seems to you, someone out there needs to hear it. Keep up the wonderful ministry that you are providing to moms who love your blog! 🙂
Thank you so much, Jennifer!
Thank you so much for writing this post.I just started writing a blog and I really needed to hear what you had to say. I find myself spending waaaay too much time on the computer looking for numbers. It’s really not about the numbers but about lives being changed. Thanks again for ministering to me.
Praying for you on your new blogging journey, Lori! Thank you for your kind words!
Thank you Erin.
Be encouraged that your willingness to surrender your voice and blog to God opens a way for Him to speak into the lives of mothers and others worldwide. I’m aloooong way from you and I hear the Holy Spirit speak through you, encouraging me to intentionally live for Him through everyday ‘ministry’.
You may hit opposition every now and then, it may cause heartache and tears but it’s simply because you’re seeking His heart. Be blessed!
What a blessing your words are to me! I’m holding these close as I move forward in this ministry! Thank you!