It might not look like it from the front…

…but this belly is ready to pop! Little man can make his appearance any time he wants!

In the meantime, I will wear red boots and feel sassy! I got lots of compliments on the stripes, as well! They are kind of fun, aren’t they?!

My rings continue to be worn on a chain so they don’t get stuck on my finger…

For Valentine’s Day, I wore them on a chain with my Vintage Pearl necklace. They looked perfect together and the verse couldn’t be more fitting for the REAL meaning of love…

Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. ~John 13:35 {NLT}

And then there are these beauties…

A Valentine’s gift from the hubby with a story that will have to wait for another day {come back Friday!}. He made me cry – in the very best way, of course 🙂

Red and love and diamonds – I guess I was in the Valentine’s Day mood this week!


pleated poppyHave you ventured over to The Pleated Poppy’s “What I Wore Wednesday” link-up lately?! Well, it just may be my favorite day of the blogging week!