2021: my year to GIVE…

- Give myself and others more grace
- Give more undivided attention to my loved ones
- Give more focus to projects
- Give thanks daily
- Give my time and gifts to serve in the community, schools, and church
- Give the resources we have to ministries and organizations we support
- Give myself the best chance to thrive
- Give glory to God in everything
In the stress of 2020, I watched myself become more inwardly focused, selfish, critical, stingy, stress-paralyzed…a whole mess of things because I thought so much about ME. There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking care of and prioritizing yourself, but that wasn’t what I was doing. I was coping in a very unhealthy way that left me disconnected and discontent. Only when I started to talk about those feelings did I start to see the tension resolve and see the causes of the tension more clearly.
Jesus often went away to spend time alone with God, but He didn’t stay there. He used that time to recharge and refocus so that He could love and serve others well. He perfectly modeled a life of giving and generosity that also showed us how to be filled up in the midst of it all. That leads to my theme for the year, but I’ll save that another day…
2021: my year to give, recognize when I have nothing to give, and know where to go to be given fresh hope, life, peace, and grace.