Spring is a busy time for birthdays with us! I was first on March 25…

…then came Stephen (April 18), who got to have a Husker birthday and his favorite, angel food cake and strawberries…

…and Jeremiah celebrated birthday #3 on Monday! In all reality, he got to celebrate first on Daddy’s birthday since Grandma and Grandpa Mo were here and they brought the train table (made by Grandpa Mo)!

And then we had another celebration on his actual birthday with Grandma and Grandpa Mac and Auntie Megan! Megan flew back from the Dominican Republic that day, but her flight was delayed, so she didn’t get here until after 8:30 p.m.! Jeremiah thought is was pretty cool to be celebrating his birthday and eating cake so late at night!

And then it was time for another big present – a wagon from Grandma and Grandpa Mac! Of course, it has to be shared with Joshua, but I don’t think Jeremiah minds!

It’s been a fun month of birthdays but I’m ready for a break! Next up – Joshua in June!