Even from the opening author’s note, this book had me applauding. Check out the definitions she provides…
The dictionary definition:
Beautiful: adj. 1. Having attractive qualities that give great delight or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc. 2. excellent of its kind 3. particularly graceful, lovely, or pretty…
The RE-definition:
Beautiful: what God sees when God sees you
Jenna Lucado’s book Redefining Beautiful, published by Thomas Nelson, is a refreshing look at true beauty for teenage girls. For any girl, really. I found myself tucking away encouragement for ME as I read this book, which is intended for 12-17 year olds.
I have a great appreciation for the subject of this book, not because I have girls (as evident from my blog title!), but because of my work with the youth group at our church and as a former teacher & coach. Girls and women are looking for their beauty in all the wrong places – not to the One who created them beautiful.
And this book aims to fix that problem.
Lucado’s approach is to be honest and transparent herself – confessing a Vaseline addiction right off the bat! – and help girls be honest with themselves and see the beautiful person God created them to be, quirks and all.
Mixed with Scripture and real-life stories is a workbook format which sets this book apart. Instead of asking girls to merely think about the topics and ideas, Lucado challenges them to write and share along with her. Action is key and I love that!
There are so many areas of this book that I love and could touch on, but I think Jenna herself sums up well the book’s purpose in this video…
Doesn’t she just seem like a girlfriend you want to have coffee with?!
And the book even has notes tucked in from her father, famed Christian author Max Lucado, which provide Biblical insight and fatherly wisdom. Wonderful addition in my opinion.
I’ve already talked with a friend who saw this book on the bookstore shelf and wanted to give it to her teenage daughter and I was able to say “Do it!” because I believe in the message and format of this book. I plan on passing along this message whenever possible, even if I don’t have daughters of my own.
This book is a great springboard for conversations about beauty, relationships, all things girly and most importantly, God. And anyone who works or lives with teenage girls will be thrilled to have this springboard!
I want to thank Thomas Nelson Publishers for providing this book for me to review. Such a treat to read quality, Scripture-based material produced for teenage girls.
Redefining Beautiful by Jenna Lucado has a list price of $12.99.