The boys and I made these turkeys from our hand prints and footprints on Wednesday (can you tell which one is mine?!). I thought it was just a fun craft to do with Thanksgiving coming and all, but apparently God wanted to use it in another way.
Through many avenues this week – conversations, reading, worship, crafts with the kids – God has been showing what He really wants in my life and, I believe, in the life of every Christian. We are His hands and feet here on earth. As a very wise friend of mine said, “It is our job to bring a little bit of heaven here to earth for other people.” I believe prayer is the most powerful tool God has given us, but it is our hands and feet that will do the work of Christ and truly change this world. He is asking us to pray AND move.
One of my favorite worship songs (the one playing when Joshua was born) has the most powerful prayer in it:

Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like You have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks Yours
Everything I am for Your Kingdom’s cause
As I walk from earth into Eternity

Along with this, my prayer for this week is that God would show me how to use my hands and feet to serve Him and those around me. And those turkeys on the fridge will be my reminder.