Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
So here is my first Not Me! Monday!
I most certainly did not get in the shower after a long weekend, pour shampoo into my hands and start washing my FACE with it. Nope, not me.
And I did not discover my son giving himself a bath…in the bathroom sink. Not me.
I also do not have what my husband calls “The Laundry Graveyard” – where clothes go to die when stains won’t come out or they have to be hand washed…or even ironed. I don’t hate those things…not me.
And lastly, I most certainly did not swear I would never watch “The Bachelorette,” only to get sucked in and addicted in the last few weeks. Definitely not me.
So how about you?