Title: The One Year Devotions for Preschoolers 2
by Carla Barnhill; illustrated by Elena Kucharik
Age range: 3-6 years old
Publisher: Tyndale
Price: $14.99 (hardcover)
Disclosure: Mama Buzz and reviewers, received a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes.
Jeremiah is at the age where he is starting to ask more questions about God. I love that he is wanting to know more and “figure it all out.”
The One Year Devotions for Preschoolers 2 has been a wonderful starting point for these discussion for us. Each day has a Bible verse, a short devotional and a cute rhyming saying to help sum up the lesson. Here is an example from today…
January 4 – Fantastic You
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. Genesis 1:31, NIV
Have you ever felt like nobody likes you? We all have days when we feel ignored or picked on or left out. But do you know who thinks you’re amazing every single minute of every single day? God does!…
When God looks at me, He likes what He sees.
Isn’t that precious? This devotions book is geared at children ages 3 to 6. Each devotion is short – only one page, so no attention span problems here! And the illustrations are adorable!
I asked Jeremiah what he thought of this book and he said, “It’s good!” So I asked him why he liked it. His response?
“It’s cool.”
Quite the endorsement from a 3 1/2 year old!
As for my recommendation: I think this is wonderful daily reading material with your preschooler. It is WELL worth the $14.99 price tag to have these meaningful, spiritual moments with your little ones!
Thank you to Tyndale for providing this book! Our family loves it!