Reading Cree’s blog made me think about the privilege I have had to travel outside of the United States several times. I would love to hear about where you have traveled and whether or not you recommend traveling to those places! If you have not been out of the U.S., where would you like to go?
My trips have all been due to my involvement in music. After my senior year in high school, I went to seven European countries with the Midwest Ambassadors of Music. As a freshman in college, I went as a member of the marching band to Ireland for Dublin’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade. And a year after Stephen and I got married, we traveled as sponsors for a high school honor choir trip through several European countries. These were all amazing experiences and I feel very blessed to have seen so much of the world. By the way, Ireland, Switzerland and Austria were my favorites.
Where would I love to go next (in about 10 years or so)?! Australia 🙂