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I have a confession to make: I am a struggling non-fiction reader.
I start a LOT of non-fiction books because they sound fascinating or important to me, but I rarely finish one. Maybe this says something about me and my tendency to be distracted by something new and shiny, as well as my difficulty with finishing things. Maybe it says something about the state of non-fiction books and their tendency to get repetitive or boring after making the main point.
Whatever the reason, I finished 14 books in 2019. All of them were fiction.

Well, this non-fiction struggle bus is turning around in the early months in 2020! I have several non-fiction books on my to-be-read list this year. It’s only February, but three of them have already sucked me in from beginning to end and they are totally worth sharing with you!
When I first heard the subject of Jennie Allen’s newest book, I knew I had to get a copy as soon as possible. In recent years, I had let negative thoughts take over my life – everything from anxiety to pessimism to cynicism. Get Out of Your Head sounded like just the thing I needed…and it has been exactly that for me.
To give you an idea of how much this book has resonated with me, I’ve been reading it on Kindle and have highlighted 250 different passages. This book is real, honest, based on God’s Word, and super practical. I absolutely love the strategies Jennie gives us for choosing something other than spiraling out of control with toxic thoughts. I have found so much freedom and joy because of this book. Get Out of Your Head is my #1 must-read non-fiction book right now, possibly ever.
While we’re talking about changing your mind, I have to mention Atomic Habits. As someone who struggles with sticking to big goals, this book appealed to me because it tackles changes you want to make in a bite-sized way. I saw lots of people recommend it, but I wasn’t totally sold on the idea (or finishing the book) until I started reading it.
Within a few chapters, I was already adding some new habits to my day and seeing them stick for longer than a week! That is a BIG deal for me. Let’s talk highlights in Kindle again: I have 350+ passages marked and I’m not even done with it yet! Obviously, I’m benefitting from the tips James Clear shares, but I also love knowing WHY certain things work for establishing habits and others don’t. While we’re talking about Mr. Clear, I must mention that his 3-2-1 newsletter is the BEST e-mail newsletter I subscribe to – one I must read every single week. Between that newsletter and Atomic Habits, Clear is motivating me in new ways all the time!

As I’ve been working on a more positive mindset and establishing good habits, I’ve noticed a need to find more peace, rest, renewal. Rebekah Lyons’ newest book, Rhythms of Renewal, sounded like a breath of fresh air. And it really is.
Not only do I love her writing style – very relatable, honest, enouraging – but I also love the wide variety of topics covered in the book. We don’t all find renewal in the same way, so Rhythms of Renewal explores different stages of finding peace and purpose, as well as guiding the reader as she discovers the rhythms that best fit her life. I really connected with the create rhythm and realized how at peace I feel when I’m cooking, baking, hand lettering, etc. I need to make more time for those things! I have also been challenged to cut out distractions and limit technology use – still a work in progress there! Bonus: there is also a study workbook to go along with the book! I’m in the middle of another bible study right now, but plan to work through this next!
If you’re interested in more of what I’m reading – including fiction – check out the reading lists in my Amazon store! My 2020 Reading List includes books I’ve read AND books on my to-be-read list for this year! I also have a list for Books for the Whole Family!
Thank you for this! Those three books sound so great! This is the 2nd time in two days Atomic Habits has been recommended so I might need to read that one next.
I’m so glad you enjoyed this! Yes, pick up Atomic Habits – I really think it is valuable for anyone!
Erin…thank you for this…I don’t have a lot of time to vet books and your suggestions have always been helpful…both for me and my children. Blessings to you
Deanna! This just made my day! I need to write about some of our favorite kids and tween books recently! Thanks for the push to do that!
Yay!!! Always looking for books for my kids. Thank you!
I love reading. Period🤩 It was so fun to see that the last nonfiction book I read, made your top 3 list! Looooved “Atomic Habits” it is changing 2020 for me. Love James Clear’s email, which came in right after yours! Thanks for the recommendations for more good reads!
That is so fun! Seriously – his emails are the best! Thanks for your comment!