Today is my day at the Tommy Nelson blog! Head on over there to read about teaching our children that God IS good all the time, but sometimes life just isn’t fair!


Confession: I do not miss wearing so-called “comfy” clothes all day long. Not for a second.

Just so you know, “before” I sometimes wouldn’t get dressed for the day until lunch time or later. Often, getting dressed would mean changing from pajama pants to sweat pants.

Of course, I would NEVER wear this stuff out in public, so it would be a mad scramble to throw on something presentable at the last minute just to run to the store.

And imagine how I looked for my husband and children each day – they would never ever say anything, but it was pitiful.

I don’t know if it was laziness or apathy or what, but I never want to go back to that. Getting dressed for each day has changed my daily life.

The excuse I hear the most from women about why they don’t “get dressed” and look more put together for the day each day is that they want to be comfortable.

Ladies, I promise you – you CAN be comfortable while looking put together. If I wasn’t comfortable, I would NOT be wearing these outfits. As a mom of two busy boys, I would not be able to function on a daily basis if I was uncomfortable!

Your assignment is to find the clothes that look good on you that are also comfortable and functional for YOUR day. You can do it!

The things I discovered I’m most comfortable in: dresses with leggings and jeans. Once I figured that out, I could put together outfits by adding tops, accessories and cute shoes.

I’m really excited to pass along to you the challenge that got me out of my jammies/sloppy clothes in the first place. Taking Sarah Mae’s original “Get Dressed” challenge almost a year and a half ago was what started this change for me, and I am SO happy to tell you that challenge is starting up again!

The Get Dressed Challenge!For the next month, you can join Sarah Mae and a group of ladies just like you and me who are wanting to form a habit of getting dressed each day.

This time around she’s calling it “Frumps to Pumps” – love it! You can keep accountable through Sarah Mae’s blog, linking up your own pictures each week, and on Twitter with the hashtag #frumpstopumps! It should be a lot of fun!

I may be in the habit of getting dressed each day already, but I have a few things I can work on still in this area. I need to be ready for the day by 7:30 every day. I would love to do a better job doing my hair each day – and maybe try some new things with it as well!

So I’m taking the “Frumps to Pumps” challenge for the next month – how about you?!


And now for my weekly What I Wore post {now at 20 weeks pregnant – halfway there!}…

Yellow tank dress, black leggings – Target; black tee – GAP Outlet; black flats – Eddie Bauer; fabric flower necklace – made by me; my brand new fabulous handbag – Two Peas in a Pod {more to come on this SOON!}

Teal top, cuffed jeans – hand-me-downs; bronze flats – WalMart; multi-colored bead necklace – Kohl’s

Brown v-neck tee – Old Navy; navy knit skirt – Express; flower pin – The Pleated Poppy; 20 week baby bump – all me 🙂

Black wrap dress {had it forever, no idea where it’s from!}; black riding boots – Lands’ End; silver ball jewelry – local boutique

Olive green floral tank – Motherhood Maternity; cuffed jeans; necklace, gold sandals – garage sales!

Old Navy Denim jacket – Goodwill; black tank dress, green tank – Old Navy; black leggings – Target; black flats – Eddie Bauer; Love Mercy necklace – Mercy House


pleated poppyGet yourself over to The Pleated Poppy to check out more “What I Wore” posts – lots of women staying accountable though this awesome link-up!

And tell me, is getting dressed and ready for the day a struggle for you? If so, what is your biggest hurdle to overcome?