Confession: We aren’t really an “outdoorsy” family.

That doesn’t mean we don’t enjoy ANYTHING outside, but we don’t naturally gravitate to outdoor activities.

But I want us to spend time IN God’s creation on a regular basis and we NEED this opportunity to take in all the outdoors has to offer {minus the allergies, right?!}.

A little fresh air can do wonders for your family’s ability to breathe deep {literally and figuratively} and enjoy each other! And if you’re like our family {not super “outdoorsy”}, you just have to find the things your family DOES enjoy outside and take advantage of them!

In our previous city, there was a nature center not too far from our house. Lots of places to explore + animals + free admission = a great place for our family to get out of the house and enjoy God’s creation. And we really never got tired of going there! Part of the beauty of the great outdoors – there is always something new or different to see!

The Hubby and I have both taken up running this year. The gym and treadmill have been very handy for getting our workouts in, but I think we both agree that running in the fresh air is much more enjoyable. I especially love an outdoor run in the morning, allowing the crisp morning air to wake me up for the day.

Even a trip to the zoo is a chance to get some semi-fresh air – let’s face it, the animals can get stinky! “Outdoors” doesn’t have to mean roughing it on a hiking trail. Parks, gardens, even outdoor malls can do the trick!

The important thing here is not the exact activity you pick, but rather that you get some fresh air in those lungs and sunshine on those faces!

If you’re needing some outdoor inspiration like I often do, I highly recommend these resources…

Fifteen Minutes Outside: 365 Ways to Get Out of the House and Connect with Your Kids

This is my go-to book for outdoor activities for every season! Some are simple, some require advance planning, but all are wonderful, creative ideas for fresh air family fun!

31 Days of Simple Outdoor Adventures for Boys

My lovely friend {and mama of quad 5 1/2 year old boys!} Jen has a fabulous 31 days series right now all about getting outside with your children! I like the word “simple” in her title and all of the ideas she has shared so far are things I thought, “Yeah, we could do that!” And they don’t have to be just for boys! I can’t wait to read the rest of the series!

It may be chilly this weekend, but we’ll be bundling up to enjoy the wonders of fall and the blessing of family!


Family tie #6: Get outside TOGETHER as a family this weekend! Share what you did here so we can inspire one another!


To keep up with this 31 Days series, you can sign up to get each post sent right to your inbox for FREE! I will also link to them at the bottom of this post as they go live!