If you want to have a strong family, there is not better place to look for guidance than the Bible.

Over and over again, in the discussion of family dynamics and relationships with others in the Word, one theme is emphasized:

Honor and respect.

Ooh, I love those words. Here’s a few places they are used in Scripture…

{emphasis my own}

Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you. ~Exodus 20:12

However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. ~Ephesians 5:33

Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God… ~1 Peter 2:17

Honor and respect are not about us being “less than” anyone else in our family!

When we show honor and respect to our family members, we communicate just how very important they are to us. And when we teach our children to honor and respect others, we give them the best foundation for being a blessing to others outside of our home.

I love what these words mean for us as we relate as a family.  I love how they focus our words and actions on someone else – not ourselves.

And my very favorite verse on this topic is Romans 12:10…

Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. ~Romans 12:10 {NIV}

Devoted. Committed. Resolved to love and honor one another. What a picture of beauty and strength the family who follows this verse will be!

Let’s take it one step further with the command given in the ESV translation of this verse…

Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. ~Romans 12:10 {ESV}

Suddenly it’s become a contest and it’s the very best kind of contest – who can honor others MORE? How about that as a challenge for your family?! The blessings that will flow from this kind of attitude in your family are boundless!

Encourage honor and respect within your household, and more importantly, model it in your own life!



Family Tie #28: Choose a version of Romans 12:10 that speaks to you and your family. Download it, print it, and post it in your home. Talk about it often. And pray for the strength, wisdom, and grace to live it out!


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