Today we have a guest post from Darlene Schacht, also known as The Time-Warp Wife! I love her commitment to encouraging women in their marriages and she has a new book on that very topic! I can’t wait for you to read her words today AND enter the giveaway at the bottom!


I like it when Michael shows how much he loves me by spending time with me, buying gifts of chocolate, or taking care of little things around the house. My husband has learned how to speak my love language and he does it so well.

In fact a few weeks ago he came home with a bouquet of chocolate bars. It was so sweet of him! I think he figures that they’ll last longer than flowers. Ha!

I love that man.

While Michael also deserves my love in return, time has shown me that he also needs something else–my respect.

He needs to know that there are qualities about him that I admire. He should be told that he’s doing a great job leading our family. And he deserves to know how much we appreciate the job he does outside of the home.

Those are a few of the ways that I can show him how much he’s respected.

There’s a popular mindset that tells us, “Respect needs to be earned.” In other words it’s conditional on someone’s behavior toward us.

The problem with that way of thinking is that the minute we show disrespect to someone, their admiration toward us naturally goes down. The more their admiration toward us goes down, the less we respect them. See the negative cycle there?

Dr. Emerson, author of “Love and Respect” writes,

Though we all need love and respect equally, the felt need differs during conflict. For example, when a woman feels unloved during conflict, her natural reaction is to respond disrespectfully. And when a husband feels disrespected during conflict, his reaction is to respond unlovingly. We call this the Crazy Cycle: “Without love a wife reacts without respect, and without respect a husband reacts without love.”

For most couples it doesn’t happen over night, but many get caught up in the cycle and find that over the years their love and respect for each other is chipping away.

Long before marriage counselors discovered a woman’s desire for love and a man’s need for respect, the Holy Spirit inspired these words:

However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. – Ephesians 5:33, NIV

It’s true that we might not respect every thing that a husband does or says, but we offer respect by showing him the things we admire about him and loving him with a humble heart.

Why do we do it?

Our respect isn’t for the purpose of stroking their ego, or gaining their love in return (that is nice however!). We do it to glorify God and reflect the relationship between Jesus and his church. That’s the reason that marriage exists the way that it does.

Husbands are to love their wives as Christ loved the church. We’re talking about an imperfect church that didn’t deserve the grace of God. The Bible tells us that God demonstrated His love toward us while we were yet sinners.

If husbands are called to show that kind of love, shouldn’t we be expected to offer grace in return?

When we love people from that point of grace, we reverse the negative cycle. We respect them for the men that they, and they admire that quality in us.


In closing let’s look at 6 ways to show our husbands respect:

1. Allow him to lead – Colossians 3:18 tells us this, “Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.” Encourage him in his role as a husband and patiently allow him to lead.

2. Affirm him with words of encouragement and support – Tell him what a good job he’s doing. Be thankful for the sacrifices he makes. It’s easy to be a fault-finder, but those who seek to strengthen their marriage seek ways to build each other up.

3. Honor him in front of others – Whether he is in your presence or not, you can show respect to your husband by speaking kindly of him.

4. Pray for him – The best ways to respect your husband is to care for him spiritually. Bring him before the Lord daily asking that God will strengthen him, protect him, and guide him in wisdom.

5. Do your share – One thing I love about the Proverbs 31 woman is how she worked hard for her family. By taking care their home, she brought honor and respect to her husband.

6. Be content – It’s so much easier to complain about those things that we don’t have than to appreciate those that we have. But when we’re grateful for the things that we have, we offer respect to our husbands.

Maybe he doesn’t do everything that you wish he did, and maybe he can’t provide you with the things that you long for. But if you look around at the things that you do have, I suspect you’ll find much to be thankful for.

Darlene Schacht


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How about that giveaway of Messy Beautiful Love?! I have THREE copies to give away! Just enter below!

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DarleneHRDarlene Schacht is the well-known Time Warp Wife whose purpose in ministry is to encourage wives to put God first in their lives. She inspires us to love our husbands and children, and to be good homemakers. In doing so, we bring glory to God. God has created each one of us with a purpose, which is first and foremost to glorify Him. When we live as Jesus lived in obedience to the Bible, we bring glory to God, bring peace to our home, and draw closer to our husbands in the process.

Darlene is an Evangelical Christian who has been married to her husband Michael for over twenty-five years. They have four children and two adorable pugs. Their lives are basically surrounded by three things: faith, family, and books.

Her newest book, {affiliate link} Messy Beautiful Love: Hope and Redemption for Real-Life Marriages (Thomas Nelson), delivers an incredible testimony of grace that offers hope for today’s marriages and a spark for rekindling love.

Visit Darlene’s website at: