We all had the stomach flu over the past week.

THAT is NOT what I am bragging about today. It. was. horrible.

I was the last one to get it. I was laid out from Saturday evening until Monday morning really.

But when I got out of bed for a bit Sunday afternoon, this is what I came out to:

*EIGHT loads of completed laundry. EIGHT. In one day.

*The dishes done and the dishwasher unloaded.

*A newly rearranged living room that is PERFECT.

*A living room completely decorated for Christmas, including a brand new Christmas tree. With wrapped presents under it.

I was in shock. The good kind.

No, there was no housekeeping fairy that came by.

It was all the hubby.

He’s amazing. And I think he deserves to be bragged on just a little, don’t you?!

Thank you honey. I don’t know what I would do without you. Period.


Congrats to The Farmer Files and  Brandy for winning a copy of Putting God Back in the Holidays! Please email me at erin {at} homewiththeboys {dot} net with your address!


Hope you enjoy your time at our little home – won’t you stay a while?