I was provided this bible to review and promote as a LEV3L Blogger. All opinions are my own.

It is no secret that I am a huge bible study nerd. I can spend hours reading through study bible notes, commentaries, and bible dictionaries. I guess it’s a combination of my love for God’s Word and my Learner strength (StrengthsFinder, anyone?!).
When I have a chance to check out a new study bible AND give one away to one of you, I will jump at it! So here we are…

This is the brand new CSB Life Essentials Interactive Study Bible from Lifeway and it takes bible study to a whole new level! In this time when we’re all stuck at home, this new concept bible offers 250 hours of free in-depth video teaching to accompany each of the 1500 life principles to live by throughout the Scriptures.

Other features of the Life Essentials Interactive Study Bible include commentary and application questions on the aforementioned 1,500 life principles from renowned Bible teacher, Dr. Gene Getz. I have really enjoyed reading these commentaries as they bring a new perspective to the Word of God for me and show many common threads throughout the Scripture! To make it easy to navigate these commentaries and applications, a topical index and handy cross-references are provided. It really is unlike any other study bible I have used and I think you’ll enjoy this fresh resource, as well!
I’d love to get this inTO your hands, so let’s do a giveaway!
TO ENTER: Just leave a comment here telling me your favorite bible study resources! It’s that easy!
OPTIONAL: If you’d like more entries, share this giveaway on social media and tell me where you shared it! Each extra share is another entry!
Giveaway closes Friday, May 8th at 2PM CST. One winner will be chosen at random and notified by email. US shipping addresses only. Thank you to LEV3L Bloggers and Lifeway for providing this giveaway!
Sadly I’ve not done enough to have a favorite.
It is never too late to start!
I use the Blue letter Bible most of the time
This bible looks amazing!! My favorite bible study resource is a bible map app. I use it with my daughters when we read the Bible so we can get a better view of where it all takes place. It shows maps and current pics as well. Since I probably will never be able to travel there it’s nice getting to see what it looks like!
Oh my goodness! I need this!!! Thank you for sharing!
My favorite bible study resource is 90 Days Thru the Bible with Chris Tiegreen
Awesome! I’ll have to look that one up!
I use so many it’s hard to choose! I do refer to Blue Letter Bible website often, especially when I do a focused study.
I use that website and app a lot, too! It is so useful!
Thank you for the giveaway! I use Blue Letter Bible mostly, but sometimes preceptaustin.org. I like to read things in multiple versions fairly often so I use my YouVersion App to switch back and forth easily.
Hi biblestudytools.com
And Godrule.net
When my kids were really little, I started using the online Bible study SheReadsTruth. I liked that it was more than just a one verse devotional, it was actual Bible study! Now that they’re older, I still read it every morning.
Looks like a great resource. I like just having a journal and a highlight available to take notes while studying.
I love the tried and true Strong’s Concordance.
I need to start and do not have a favorite (YET). I’ll put this bible on my list! 🙂
I use the Blue Letter Bible website. I love being able to click on a verse and see the verse in other versions, various commentaries and word study. It’s my most used resource during Bible Study.
I like proverbs 31 daily email devotional and my Jesus Calling devotional
My favorite Bible study resource is using the BibleHub app along with my Bible reading. I love to dig into the original language to gain deeper understanding.
My favorite bible study resource is the You Version bible app. I also love praying through scripture daily with my Million Praying Moms pray the word journal.
My favorite resources are my friends! I do best with my bible studies when I am involved with a group that I can process with.
I like my old fashioned concordance. I also appreciate using the YouVersion app. And, of course, my journal from Million Praying Moms.
I enjoy Living on the Edge bible studies. This looks very interesting!
I don’t have a favorite study Bible but I do like my MOPS devotional Bible given to me. I even have my student Bible from when I graduated HS given to my by my church almost 30 years ago!!! I have a concordance also from HS grad. I don’t use it enough but it would definitely be handy to have a study Bible that would have more info at my fingertips and less researching to save time. Although sometimes I think it’s just as good to not delve deep and take God’s word at face value – remember Jesus talking about the innocence of children’s faith in Him!!
I agree with that last statement very much, Mary! Have you read Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin? She teaches how to read the Word of God in this way – no commentaries or study notes or anything until you’ve spent time just studying it for yourself and asking God to reveal Himself to you through the Scripture. I highly recommend it.
That sounds really good! I’ll have to look for it. 2 other books I highly recommend are
God’s Story, Our Story: Exploring Christian Faith and Life Michele Hershberger
The Bible As Story: An Introduction to Biblical Literature: Second Edition
Book by John E. Sharp, Marion G. Bontrager, and Michele Hershberger
Both of them are used at an Anabaptist College and take you through the OT and show you how the story there is your Salvation story too called the (Heilsgeschichte)
Salvation history seeks to understand the personal redemptive activity of God within human history in order to effect his eternal saving intentions. This approach to history is found in parts of the Old Testament written around the sixth century BC, such as Deutero-Isaiah and some of the Psalms.
My favorite resource now is nyNKT Illustrated Study Bible.
I love any resource that will help me go deeper in God’s Word! I’m convinced that spending time with God and getting to know Him is the only thing that will sustain me in the days ahead! Right now I’m using a study Bible and a commentary as I read through the book of Philippians.
I’m going to share this on my Facebook page and on my author page. Thanks Erin!❤️
I love love Beth Moore bible studies! I am doing stepping up right now over the psalms of ascent. It’s so informative. This bible would be awesome to go more in depth!
My favorite Bible study tool in addition to my Life Application study Bible is the John MacArthur Commentary. I’ve referred to that most often. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
I have never done a bible study so anything would be a possible new favorite!
I love Bible Study Fellowship (BSF). It’s been such a blessing to me 🙂
My favorite bible study tool is my study bible actually. I love to use the notes at the bottom of the page and I am really big on cross referencing. It’s one of my favorite ways to dig deeper. I do have an app that I love and I know most people use it as well and that’s the you version app. Our church puts all of our sermons notes on there and it has helped tremendously.
Thank you so much for doing this giveaway and I am happy that I stumbled across your blog. It’s fantastic.
I use YouVersion a lot for comparing translations. I have this translation as one I check, but I haven’t read the Bible all the way through in it. I’ve currently been using an AMP study Bible.
I am using the bible hub app and amp study bible..
I have a Wesley Bible which has some of my favorite study helps. I have many Bibles, but this is the one I always go back to time and again.