While the visual associations we make with “having it all” are all shiny and appealing, the feelings we relate with these words are FAR from attractive and pleasant.
This is where we start to see the breakdown, like a duck looking all smooth and unruffled above the water while paddling like crazy underneath the water to keep moving forward. The feelings we keep buried while trying to “have it all” need some serious evaluation. The problem with “having it all” is NOT the appearances but the heart.
Here’s what a few readers said about their own feelings while trying to “have it all”:
I was miserable, because of trying to have it all, I put God on the back burner.
It made me really tired!!
It sucked! I was completely overwhelmed.
I felt depressed because it was an impossible goal.
I was exhausted all the time physically mentally and emotionally.
I was impatient and stressed.
And I can relate with all of these feelings. As I’ve tried to be a picture-perfect mom, wife, homeschool teacher, homemaker, friend, writer, volunteer…all I’ve really arrived at is frustration and exhaustion and defeat.
I don’t know about you, but when my to-do list gets too long, I shut down. Paralysis sets in when I stack too many “shoulds” and “want-tos” on to my list along with the “need-tos.”
Our to-do lists were never meant to be ladders that we climb daily trying to catch up with or get ahead of anyone else. And these lists should reflect our priorities, not those of someone else.
As I was writing this post, Ann Voskamp tweeted this from the Catalyst conference:
60% of Christians around the world feel their hectic schedule prevents them from spending more time with God.
And wouldn’t that lack of time with God directly affect the way we feel?
I’m using this week to do a heart check and I would love for you to join me.
What areas of life are causing you the most stress?
Are you allowing time for God and rest and enjoying the life you have?
Are there extra things on your to-do list right now that have been put there by guilt or peer pressure or any number of other influences?
Even if you just identify how you’re actually feeling right now, that is a great first step. Forward progress is forward progress and we’re going to be walking this journey together all month!
I have to say, I can totally relate to the individuals that said they were tired, miserable, and I have constantly felt like I was failing at a standard that I did not create for myself. My work life is the most stressful part of my life, and I agonize over it so much that I bring it home with me and I have nothing left to give to my family, let alone God. This weekend I am traveling for 12 hours to go to a wedding for a family member because I feel guilty about RSVP’ing and not going, rather than looking at what is best for me. I am loving this 31 day journey, it’s time to recommit to my relationship with God.
Love this post! Doing a heart check this week, too!
This month was already stressful a few months ago, but adding in a move on top of it…let’s just say total craziness is happening. One thing that I had to.had to.had to is make sure we study the Bible in school/on my own because with him all things are possible. He (Jesus Christ) will be the one who will give us the strength to make it through this month:)