Welcome to our new monthly feature, “Books & Bibles for Kids!” I get so many great kids’ books and Bibles to review and I want you to know about some of our favorites each month! I hope you enjoy these new finds!
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The Whale Tells His Side of the Story: Hey God, I’ve Got Some Guy Named Jonah in My Stomach and I Think I’m Gonna Throw Up! – The boys and I are in love with this hilarious, comic-book style book telling the Jonah story from the whale’s perspective! There are more of this type of book in the works from B & H Kids and we can’t wait to check those out as well!
The Growly Books: Begin by Philip and Erin Ulrich – The very first night I started this brand new chapter book with the boys, it received the highest compliment it can get from them: “Keep reading, Mommy!” And that went on chapter after chapter until we had read for much longer than any of us had planned! The characters, the setting, the adventure – we are all enthralled and can’t wait for more!
Sammy Experiences God: An Experiencing God at Home Storybook – The Experiencing God series has been a powerful series for adults longing to have a deeper relationship with God and now there is a wonderful storybook for kids to help do the same! As you read about Sammy, the book has activities and discussion questions to help you as a family experience God together!
My Learn to Read Bible: Stories in Words and Pictures – We have stacks of Bibles for the kids to choose from to read during Bible time. This is the on Little J {4 1/2} has been stuck on for a while. He is a reader already, but this Bible combines pictures with words to help kids explore and expand their reading vocabulary!
Brave Knight Bible {KJV} – We’re not a big King James family, but this is a COOL Bible for boys! I love any book or Bible for boys that highlights godly strength and courage! And I am a big fan of having several different translations in the house for reference and study!
Which of these books and Bibles for kids would your family love?
My oldest is a big reader. So I think the Growly chapter book would be up his alley. My middle one can read a little but mostly likes to make up stories to go with the pictures he sees. The learn to read Bible sounds perfect for him. I bet both both would like the whale story. The baby just tries to eat books right now.