We’re over halfway through the month, so I thought I would give you an update on how we are doing with our monthly mission raising Nickels for Nets!
I am so proud of Big J and how he has been committed to asking people for nickels and telling them about the mission of Sweet Sleep – at taekwondo, the library, church, and everywhere we go!
As of Friday, we had collected $21.20 and our neighboring city friends had gathered at least $30.50 for a total of $51.70! That means SIX NETS have been sponsored so far! Woohoo!!! Let’s keep it rolling for another 12 days! How is your collecting going?
Now, for a few things I’ve loved around the Internet this week…
*Simple Mom’s posts on writing a book – The Big Picture and The Nitty Gritty – bookmarking these for someday…
*4 Steps to Casting a Godly Vision for Your Son – Ooh, this is a good one from Heather, relevant for sons AND daughters. It’s had me thinking a LOT.
*Amanda’s Armor of God series is Totally. Awesome. I’m storing up these ideas to use with the boys after Lent and Easter!
So far behind on blogging, but trying to catch up somewhere! We are also collecting away, having the box Amanda sent helps a bunch! I think people feel more comfortable putting money in it! I can’t wait to see how many nets everyone is able to purchase!!