It’s Five Minute Friday with lovely Lisa-Jo!
Set a timer and just write. Don’t worry about making it just right or not.
For me? An exercise in letting go and letting words flow. Five minutes only. {yes, I do set a timer and it quacks like a duck at 5 minutes, which totally makes me smile}
Today’s prompt: Mercy.
And go…
The word mercy wasn’t on my radar much before Mercy House Kenya, but I think the founding of that amazing place came at just the time God wanted me to become really aware of mercy in my own life.
I still feel like I’m learning just what mercy is, but even with my vague understanding of it, I see God pointing it out to me over and over. As a mother, one of the verses I’ve come to lean on most often is…
The faithful love of the Lord never ends!
His mercies never cease.
Great is his faithfulness;
his mercies begin afresh each morning. ~Lamentations 3:22-23
Very few days go by that I don’t feel like I’ve messed up or yelled too much or let someone down, but He always brings those verses to mind and, each morning, I know He has a new start for me. He doesn’t remember my transgressions from the previous day, and I am free to move forward in His mercy.
But how am I at showing mercy to those I love the most?
As my Bible study group started The Fitting Room this week, I asked each person which virtue they would like to grow in the most.
Mine: tenderhearted mercy. I want to know it more. I want to show it more.
Act justly, LOVE MERCY, walk humbly.
I wanted to let you know about an incredible opportunity to be a part of the work of Mercy House Kenya without ever leaving your home. A project is happening now as a partnership between Mercy House, {in}courage, and Pure Charity to raise $74,00 for the needs of the organization before Christmas. There are five different phases and you can read about Phase #1 right now at Pure Charity!
And don’t forget to read lots of lovely thoughts from the Five Minute Friday gang over at Lisa-Jo’s today!
Thank you – I really appreciated the verse from Lamentations. We have a son, he’s 14 going on 21, thinks he knows everything and often times I find myself rolling my eyes back at him! I need to remember that verse 🙂
Found you through 5 Minute Friday – thanks again for sharing your words!
As I read your post, I thought of Jesus saying: “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” The fact that you want to know mercy more and show it more means you’re merciful …
Your quacking timer sounds fun. I do FMF too and most of the time I stick to 5 minutes, but I admit if it’s taken longer than that!
Thank you for this reminder! I’m visiting from FMF and am so thankful for his mercy!
So glad we’re neighbors at FMF! I cling to that verse so often myself, especially on those days that I don’t REALLY feel ready to get out of bed and begin the spin with five kids again. So glad His mercy is doled out daily! (Or hourly!) Can’t wait to read more about Mercy House Kenya.