Had you asked me just a year ago whether I would ever be able to run a 10K, this would have been my exact response:

Never in a million years.

I proved myself wrong {and proved The Hubby right} this weekend.

Just two weeks ago, The Hubby texted to tell me I would be doing a 10K. In two weeks. He said I was ready. I laughed and then got very nervous.

But I signed up anyway.

And Sunday morning, along with one of my very best friends, I ran a 10K. And we RAN the WHOLE THING.

I feel like a rockstar.

And I’m very thankful for this verse I read the morning of the race and prayed throughout the run:

Those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint. ~Isaiah 40:31

He really did renew my strength throughout those 6.2 miles and we met both of our race goals – running the whole time and beating our pace goal!

Here are a few shots from the day…

Picking up the pace as we approach the finish line!

Our official time was 1:07:55 – well under our goal!

These kiddos made me feel like the most awesome runner in the world at the end of the race! What a blessing!

Are those not the cutest signs ever?!

There is no way I would have run the whole time, or had as much fun as I did, if I hadn’t been running with this girl! Love you, friend!

Sweet baby cheeks to greet me at the end!

Nothing in my life has made me feel stronger than running this 10K – except for that whole childbirth thing!

And the guy who believed in me in the first place. Honey, you were right and I can’t thank you enough for gently pushing me into doing this! You make a great coach and I love you!

Thanks to all of you who prayed for me this week as I was battling my sore knee and the flu, and for all of the encouragement on here, Facebook, and Twitter! I’m so grateful for your love and support!