Mckmama- Not Me Monday

I most certainly did NOT hear these things around our house this week:

“Apparently, Little J can reach the door knob now.” -Big J

“Get that spoon out of your underwear!” –Mommy

“WHAT?! You’ve GOT to be kidding me!” -Big J

The Wonder Pets theme song – OVER and OVER again. -BOTH children.

Summer 2010 003

“Underwear pants!” -Little J (translated for us by Big J)

“Get that outta my house!” -Big J playing basketball and blocking Daddy’s shots

“I don’t like real babies, I like stuffed babies. Real babies are loud and cry.” -Big J

But he still asks to see Baby Lily every day 🙂

Summer 2010 009

And the quote of the week, the cherry on top:

“Sometimes Mommy and Daddy shower together.” -Big J, to my mom and sister

Oh yes, he did.