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We’re wrapping up the Race Day Essentials series with the things I need after the race is over. It took me a while to figure out what my body needed after a long or hard race, but that ended up being due mostly to not hydrating well enough in the days leading up to the race. Now that I have that part of the puzzle figured out, my stomach isn’t as sensitive and I’m not quite as picky about what I can eat.

Not included in this list is the MASSIVE amount of food that can be handed out at the end of a race. I usually eat 90% of this food and have ZERO guilt. I love when races have salty things like pretzels and chocolate milk – not necessities, but definitely favorites.

The lists have been more about food and products I use on race day, so I also left off a few experiences that must happen post-race: lots and lots of pictures, a long warm shower, wearing my medal everywhere we go, and maybe even a nap! There really is nothing like the runner’s high after a hard-run race!

Here’s today’s list:


Banana – Some people like a banana before the race, but I prefer mine after! I think the banana has become a healthy post-race comfort food for me and they are usually available at the finish line, so I never have to look far for one!

Water – Again, this is a no-brainer.

Deep Blue Rub – We NEVER leave for a race without packing Deep Blue Rub. It is a MUST MUST MUST for us. The natural cooling and warming combination is just what our legs need after a long, hard race. I apply it to my problem areas (calves, quads) after a long, warm shower…sigh… I don’t sell essential oils anymore, but if you’re interested in this rub, you can get more info from a trusted friend of mine here!

Calf sleeves or compression socks – These get put on right after the Deep Blue Rub. As The Hubby once said after he put on his very first pair, “It’s like they’re giving my legs a hug!” He was totally right. And my legs are SO much happier with me the rest of the day (and for days afterwards) if they get a nice post-race hug. I don’t prefer one over the other, but use them in different situations, depending on the weather and what I’ll be wearing the rest of the day. I love these “Run Happy” calf sleeves from Brooks Running and Pro Compression makes my fave compression socks!

Bzees shoes – My feet are the most hurting part of my body after a very long run and the last thing they need is to be squeezed into an uncomfortable pair of shoes. I tried flip for a while, but I often get a blister between my first two toes, so flip-flops went bye-bye quickly. Then a pair of Bzees entered my life.

Bzees originally sent me a pair of shoes to review last year, and those shoes have been packed for every single race since. My feet need some support, but also some room to breathe. My Bzees feel like clouds from heaven for my feet. In the above photo is a new pair they sent me this year and my feet loved me for packing them on my trip to Nashville a few weeks ago for the Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon. Yes, I got these shoes from the company to review, but I would buy them again with my own money in a HEARTBEAT. They work in any weather with almost any outfit I might choose post-race. My love for Bzees has no bounds. For reference, the pictured pair is the Sparkle Sling Back and I also own the Relax Slip-On – they are all machine washable!

You could also add to this list food, food, and more food, especially a nice burger or steak and some frozen yogurt, but that all just depends on the race and the day!

And that is the conclusion of the Race Day Essentials series! If you missed them, check out my pre-race and race-time necessities and share your favorites!

What do you need or love to have after a race?