I love anything with “no brainer” in the title.

My mind seems to think lack of sleep is an excuse to go on strike, so anything that claims I can do whatever it is without much thought is a win in my book!

My friend Hayley, author at The Tiny Twig, proved that “no-brainer” is a great thing with her first ebook, The No Brainer Wardrobe. I adore that book. I used it religiously while restocking my wardrobe this fall after a significant weight loss and it was a life- and budget-saver!

Hayley has followed up The No Brainer Wardrobe with a book any blogger – or wanna-be blogger – will be blessed to read!

The No Brainer Blog is just like Hayley – full of passion without much fuss. Blogging should be something we ENJOY! Hayley offers a wealth of knowledge for putting together a blog you love and that works for you! And with such a successful blog, Hayley knows a thing or two about this subject!

I was blessed to be able to ask Hayley a few questions about blogging lately. I think you’ll really appreciate her answers!

What are your best tips for engaging readers?

Hayley: Engaging readers starts with understanding yourself, I think.  I always remind myself that you have to keep them around with what you attracted them with in the first place.  If you offered deals and giveaways and DIYs and tutorials to draw readers, but that isn’t true to your voice then you will have a hard time sustaining that readership.  However, if you love to write lovely words and you draw readers in that way, then you will have created a readership that LOVES your real voice.  This, of course, is a learning curve and you won’t always get it right.  However, with time and experience, it will get easier and you’ll find you have drawn a committed and loyal group of readers.

How do you feel about weekly link-ups?

Hayley: I’ve tried weekly linkups in the past.  I’ve hosted them and I’ve participated in them.  Both were unnatural for me in a sustainable way.  I can’t host them because I get bored easily and want to move on to a new idea.  🙂  I learned that by trying and failing at maintaining my own link-up.

I like joining in on them occasionally.  I can’t commit to it being a regular part of my blog, simply because of my personality.  However, they are great “filler” posts that still engage and connect with readers but don’t take developing a brand new idea or a lot of time to execute.

I don’t think there is a right or wrong, but be selective in the linkups you participate in.  Don’t over do it or you will be speaking with a voice that is everyone’s but your own.

What is your favorite thing about blogging?

Hayley: I love blogging because it’s the perfect place to test out ideas.  You get a response, good or bad or indifferent, and you know better then how to pivot for your next iteration of the idea.  There is no barrier to entry, so anyone with something to say can join in the conversation.  It is such a democratized medium that it is up to the blogger to succeed or fail, not up to the capital they can raise or the people who will believe in them.

I also love how easily connections are forged online.  I feel like blogging is almost the eHarmony of friendships.  You can easily see if you are kindred with someone because you can read their words and see their hearts fairly transparently.  I have made some of the greatest friends through blogging, and it’s all about putting yourself out there, accepting the fact that not everyone will end up being a best friend, and forging the relationships that come your way. 

Yep. That’s why I think she’s pretty fabulous!

For more of this wisdom, you can get your copy of The No Brainer Blog here! And The No Brainer Wardrobe is available here!

Hayley is also giving away one copy of The No Brainer Blog today! To enter, just leave a comment telling us your favorite thing about blogging!


*I was provided with a review copy of this book. I was not compensated in any other way for this post, and all opinions are 100% my own!

**This post contains affiliate links, but I only share what I love!