It’s Five-Minute Friday with lovely Lisa-Jo!
Set a timer and just write. Don’t worry about making it just right or not.
For me? An exercise in letting go and letting words flow. Five minutes only. {yes, I do set a timer and it quacks like a duck at 5 minutes, which totally makes me smile}
Today’s prompt: View.
And go…
I know a lot of women in their thirties – well, women of any age – who don’t like the view when they look in the mirror. As someone who battled acne and dealt with the typical girl self-image issues, I know the view isn’t always what we hope for.
Yet, here in my thirties, still breaking out here and there and with tired mama eyes, I like the view in the mirror better than I ever have before. But I don’t think it has to do with what I see, but more with what I know.
Having relationship with my Creator has made me appreciate the view like never before. He looks at this face, this body that has carried three babies, these worn feet, and He sees His creation doing all that He created it to do.
And He sees the same view when He looks at you, friend.
Whatever you may see when you look in the mirror, He looks and says, “Beautiful. It is good.”
When the view doesn’t seem to please you when you glance in the mirror today, remember what He thinks of you as His creation.
Wonderfully made.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well. ~Psalm 139:14
That includes you, my dear.
Check out many other beautifully-written viewpoints over at Five Minute Friday with Lisa-Jo!
We are thinking alike today, bless you.
Another fantastic post. Well done! I always like reading what you have to say on FMF. Blessings to you this day.