When I am looking into buying something, I research EVERYTHING about it.

Customer reviews, where can I get the best price, customer service and so on.

And I really like to be in the know so I can pass information on to my friends – any of them will tell you that!

I also love getting recommendations from trusted friends, as I’m sure you do as well.

Well dear readers, I have found a place that combines all of these elements and I can’t wait to share it with you!

Coming August 10th, you will be able to shop the products I love from businesses I adore in our Home with the Boys Open Sky shop!


Haven’t heard of Open Sky yet?

Open Sky is the latest innovation in online shopping that connects shoppers with items recommended by someone they know and trust – like me – and sellers with suppliers of items that are right up their alley!

So what will the Home with the Boys Shop be all about?

The products in our shop will go right along with the things close to my heart – faith, home, family, parenting, marriage and femininity!

I have already been talking with some fabulous suppliers who are putting together items just for our shop! I cannot WAIT to share them with you!

And I WILL when the Home with the Boys Shop opens August 10th!

So come shopping with me, because shopping is always better with a trusted friend!


Interested in opening your own shop? There is still time! Head over to Open Sky to learn more and apply!

Want to be a supplier for our shop? It’s easy to sign up! Let me know when you do and I would love to see what you have to offer!