So not a COMPLETELY “Wordless Wednesday,” but I HAD to include another beautiful sign of spring…flowers in your hair…

And these beautiful flowers come from The Conservatory, where Danielle makes the most precious things!  And packages them SO cutely!

These gorgeous chocolate brown flowers were part of my Easter outfit, and now you can get your own because Danielle is giving away a set to one of you fab readers!


And you even get to pick your color!!!

Umm, one of each please!!!

So let’s get to the entries – don’t forget to leave a separate comment for each…

MANDATORY ENTRY:  Visit Danielle’s Etsy shop and tell me your favorite item!

Extra Entries:

*Follow Danielle’s cute blog – she is as delightful as her flowers!

*Follow Danielle on Twitter(@conservatorygrl)

*Follow this blog through Google Friend Connect

*Subscribe to this blog via FeedBurner

*Tweet (or post on Facebook if you don’t have Twitter!) about this giveaway –

please include @conservatorygrl and @homewiththeboys and the direct link to this post!

*Blog about this giveaway and include a linkback


This giveaway, and all other giveaways this week, will be open until Monday, April 12th at 9:00 p.m. CDT!

THANK YOU to Danielle for providing the beautiful flowers to review and giveaway!