If you’re visiting from Crystal Stine’s gorgeous online space or you’re new here for any other reason today, welcome! So glad you’re here! You can read more about me and my boys here and have fun browsing the rest of the site for faith, family, fitness, and fashion! If you HAVEN’T been over to Crystal’s place, come on over to hear us chat about the ups and downs of getting healthy as woman and mom!
I received a review copy of this service. I was not compensated in any way for this post, and all opinions are 100% my own!
Y’all are so great. You’ve followed me on my running journey and some of you started running along with me {I wish it was in person, but I’ll settle for talking about it with you online!}. You’ve listened as I shared my experiences with Insanity and T25 and the 21 Day Fix and many of you have tried them for yourselves. I just loving having a community who cares about health and fitness!
And that’s what I couldn’t keep my latest healthy discovery a secret from you anymore. This find has been just the breath of fresh air my fitness routine needed as I was getting less motivated and stuck in an exercise rut.
Enter Alisa Keeton and Revelation Wellness.
Revelation Wellness has many pieces: an inspiring blog, YouTube videos, a monthly subscription fitness plan program {VIPtv}, fitness gear, instructor training, and more! I’ve tried everything except the instructor training {not yet!}, and I can honestly say I love it ALL.
I got started by searching Revelation Wellness videos on YouTube after a friend mentioned it somewhere on social media. The “Happy” workout was the first one I tried and the boys kept asking me to do it again! It was great cardio and made me smile, so I kept going back to it!
Then I met Alisa at the Declare Conference in August. She was exactly like I thought she would be and even better: sold out for Jesus, passionate about helping people get healthy in healthy way, super spunky, and all around awesome! She led an early morning workout at the conference, and after that amazing workout and several wonderful chats, I was all in with Revelation Wellness.
I could tell you all about my love for all things Revelation Wellness, but today I’m going to focus on VIPtv, the monthly subscription service!
When you donate $10 {or more} a month to the ministry of Revelation Wellness, you become a member of VIPtv and get access to a private library of online, mobile device-accessible workout videos designed to meet you where you are, no matter what your fitness level may be! VIPtv includes every kind of workout: boot-camp, pilates, kickboxing, flexibility, low-impact body sculpting, dance fusion, high intensity training, chair workouts, circuit training, core and stability training, and so much more!
This is me after the medicine ball workout. I’m just a little sweaty…
New workouts are added to VIPtv every month, but VIPtv has even more! There are great training videos to get you started with proper posture and body positioning, as well as devotional-type Work-IN videos meant to keep your focus in the right place as you get healthy.
The very best part of VIPtv {and all of Revelation Wellness} is the focus on Jesus.
Every single workout feels like church to me in the very best way possible: worship, teaching, prayer, Scripture – OH SO GOOD. This is what sets VIPtv apart from every other workout I’ve ever tried and it has ruined me for just about anything else!
So what are my favorite VIPtv workouts?
Cardio Move is TONS of fun and really gets my heart rate up! And I have a love-hate relationship with Yoga Fusion. I use it on Sundays as an “easy” day, but it is not truly easy! Yoga Fusion is great for stretching, but it pushes me in a low-impact kind of way.
Guess what?! I get to share those two workouts with you RIGHT HERE IN THIS POST! FOR FREE! I hope you love them as much as I do! If they don’t show up below for you, click here for Cardio Move and click here for Yoga Fusion!
I want to say a huge thank you to Alisa for following God’s call to lead us into HIS way for healthy living and for kicking my butt in the best way possible every time I work out “with” her!
Erin, I’m so glad you shared more about Revelation wellness. I have been hearing about them on Instagram, but haven’t had a chance to investigate further. I appreciate this review 🙂 (and giveaway!!)thanks, sweet friend for sharing!!
I love Zumba and Pound, but the one I’m seeing the most results with right now is PiYo (aka push-ups disguised as yoga/pilates until your arms fall off). Love this giveaway 🙂
I loved the conversation you had at Crystal’s place and I love the idea of Revelation Wellness. It looks so fun! Thank you for this giveaway!
Looks fun and effective, especially for our upcoming winter weather!
I like workouts that are short and maximize time. 21 day fix and YouTube workouts from jessicasmithtv are my fave right now.
I love kickboxing and I am just dying to get back into some kind of workout routine. Can’t wait to try these.
I’ve been wanting to get back into some type of workout routine. I love the dance aspect. This looks great!
I am doing Busy Mom Body Weight Blast by Fit Yummy Mummy! They are only 15 minutes per day, 6 days a week and it needs no equipment. I haven’t done it in a while and was planning on starting again on Monday. I love the fact though that Revelation Fitness workouts focus on God! It is a great way to encourage and learn more about God’s Word.
Right now I’m into week 2 of Focus T25 and so far so good! I would love to try yoga again (it’s been years) or kickboxing. Great giveaway!
Love love love Rev Well!!! Thank you for the giveaway!!!!
I really want to try most of them but the circuit training and body sculpting sound awesome. Plus the yoga videos will be an easy add to my day.
I’ve been meaning to check out Revelation for some fresh workout ideas! This post just reminded me to do it!! Awesome giveaway! Thanks!
I love T25 and 21day fix! Chalene Johnson is a fave too!
I like dance workouts the best. Have never heard of these workouts that you’re promo ing. Sounds great!
I love TRX training and boot camp style, but have to still with low impact and no squats since I’ve had knee surgery. I’d love to try a new workout!
Would love to win this!! I like yoga and cardio usually, but need to branch out.
I am big on cardinality 4 – 5 times a week. I have been wanting to start including more strength training and need motivation!
I’m a yoga girl but live dancing like a crazy person ☺️ Would love to try something different!!
I’m wanting to get back I to running. But I’m at the point I need to start something again and stop using the excuse once the baby starts sleeping through the night a again.
Fav workout? Running but since I prego right now, walking outside or low impact aerobics. I’m also a huge p90x3 fan!
I’ve been into PiYo and yoga type workouts lately but also really enjoy working with kettlebells.
i tried out the Yoga Fusion when it was free on Jess Connolly’s blog a couple months ago and LOVED IT!! i hope i win! i would love to build up the habit of daily exercise while i’m in seminary, in addition to my running habits!
I’ve been working my way through Piyo but I have been so intrigued by all of your recommendations of Revelation Wellness. I even listened to their podcast about becoming certified!
I started PiYo at the beginning of September and really love it. I have taken the last couple weeks off because traveling got me off-schedule. I am ready to jump back in and start again!
I’m a first time visitor to your site after listening to your encouraging conversation with Crystal! I’m so motivated by the both of you and am committed to making fitness a more important goal in my wellness journey!! I would LOVE to try to Yoga Fusion class that you mentioned during that conversation!! Because of the low impact, I feel it would be wonderful with some health struggles and injuries I have been having. Thanks so much for doing this giveaway! I’m super excited to follow along on your blog and I would LOVE to win the one year VIPtv subscription!!
I USED to love doing cardio, but now I really just like leg day! Weird, I know. I’ve been dying to try a barre legs workout too!