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It’s our last summer book club for moms check-in! Have you enjoyed these books? I have loved every one and can’t wait for the rest of the Seven Brides for Seven Bachelors to be released! Hurry up, Tricia!

Summer Book Club for Moms

If you’re new to the book club, all of the details are right here and you can still join in! Just check-in on the appropriate post for each book and we’ll wrap it all up Friday, September 5th with a giveaway for one person who has read and checked in for all three books!

Whenever you are done reading The Kissing Bridge {before September 5th}, just leave a comment below with your thoughts on the book and answer one or both of these discussion questions if you’d like! I love honest discussion, but let’s remember to keep it positive and encouraging to one another!

Here are the questions you can consider when leaving your comment…

1. Millie offered this advice to Rebecca on the trail ride: “Sometimes the best thing we can do with our minds and hearts is to allow ourselves to rest. After all, a heavy heart takes a lot of work to carry around.” How did Caleb and Rebecca find “rest” in this book? How do YOU find “rest?”

2. How did Rebecca and Caleb’s trust in God grow in this story?

Happy discussing and happy reading! Remember – to be entered for the grand prize, you must read and check-in on all three books by Friday, September 5th! Here are the check-ins for the other two books: