I am completely wrapped up in mommyhood. Sometimes it’s hard to believe I am anything BUT a mom. I have a five-year-old, a three-year-old, and one on the way – I am called “Mommy” more than any other name on a daily basis. After we got home...
Each Sunday during this 31 Days series, I’ll be touching on a different aspect of womanhood from the Five Aspects of Woman by Barbara Mouser. You are a Lady of Wisdom. This aspect first unfolds in the Bible in Proverbs 1-9, but Lady Wisdom was around even before Eve....
“Emotions don’t have brains. God has given us a will that is stronger than our emotions.” ~Patsy Clairmont I heard this quote in August at Women of Faith and I cannot get it out of my head. The problem is that I haven’t internalized it yet. That is, I...
I had a little chat with my friend & trusted hair stylist, Val, while she did some magic on my hair, so I have a few hair tips to share with you today! Even though only two of you asked any questions {thanks Randi and Beth!}, I think these tips are great for any...
{Tonight, I have a much-needed hair appointment with my lovely friend who is ready to answer your hair questions! Get those questions in now so I can share her wisdom with you tomorrow!} I have absolutely no expertise in the area of make-up. I also don’t spend a...
I noticed I have been wearing a lot of black lately. Oh yes, I usually add other colors to accent so it doesn’t look too drab, but still – too much black. This week, my mission was to focus on COLOR! It was FUN! Don’t be afraid of color, friends....
I'm Erin, a wife, boy mom x 3, writer, and runner in Nebraska! I'm excited to share all my favorites relating to faith, family, fashion, and fitness in this space! Enjoy!